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- Tyquan brooks
Atlanta, Georgia

"Mimi the Broad would like to FaceTime uu " I heard Siri say .

"Man, why this hoe calling me this early in the morning for tf "I said grabbing my phone off the charger .

"HELLO TYQUAN " Mimi said being loud over FaceTime .
"Man, uu ain't gotta be that damn loud Mimi and why is uu calling me this early for " I said aggravated .

Ion even kno why I still talk to her she just a quick nut .


"Bit- girl I almost called uu out yo name ! Yo uu got me fucked uup calling me this time of morning when I could've still been sleep "I said befor hanging uup .

"I swear I can't stand a loud female "I mumbled to myself getting ready for school ain't no point trying to go back to sleep .

I went to pick out my clothes and waited till the warmed uup and did my hygiene routine .

Went back in my room and got dressed ready to leave .

"Bye ma love uu "I said before walking out the kitchen .

"Bye boii be at them ppl school don't have them teachers calling me and love uu to " she yelled .

Got in my car pulling out my driveway .

"Damn a nigga hungry "I said while pulling uup to Wendy's .

"WELCOME TO WENDY'S HOW MAY I HELP YOU " the lady said smacking on her gum .

"See this why my momma should've cooked it to early for this shii " I mumbled .

" Umm can I get auu number 5 with orange juice please "I said .

"OK SIR UUR TOTAL IS $4.06 PULL UUP TO THE NEXT WINDOW " she said being loud again .

I got my food headed to school .

Got out my car and went in side school and seen ppl crowded around sum .

I kept walking and went to the locker room cause that ain't my business .

Walking in the locker room I see my homies Nate and quan looking at sum .

"Yoo " I said to them .

"Yoo " they both said together .

"Why everybody in the hallway and what y'all looking at " I asked them .

"Nigga it's early release and Mimi talking bout sum bitch name fendi" quan said showing me his phone .

" Fendi ,fendi " I thought back trying to figure out who that is .

Ohh that's li bitt from my fourth period .

"Aye chill out on that bitch word " I told quan .

" why uu so worried bout the hoe for uu don't even know her " quan said looking uup .

" ok ! Uu don't know her either to be calling her out her name if she ain't here to defend herself " I said .

"Aye y'all chill out remember we have homecoming game today " Nate said .

I shrugged bout to walk out before Nate called my name .

" ty " Nate said

" yeah " I said

" why uu went off on quan like that " Nate said

"Cause he calling her out her name like he know her " I said .

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