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- Fendi Jackson

"I'm tellin everybody uur mine and i like it and I really hope uu don't mind, I can't fight it " I sung lowly .

"No, uu know I cannot hide it cause I am so excited that I finally decided on you " I mumbled putting on my clothes to go out with tookie .

"I'll go everywhere uu g-tookie💚 would like to FaceTime uu " Siri said cutting of my music .

"Tookie bae " I said answering the phone .

"I'm outside hoe " she said

"Kk here I come " I said hanging uup getting my stuff .

Going down stairs seeing my dad and mom sitting on the couch cuddling .

"Mom and dad I'm going out with a friend " I told them walking to the door .

"Kk have fun and be back before 1:00" my dad said .

"Bye love y'all " I said walking out the door .

"Love uu too " they said together .

"Stanky Pooh I missed uu " tookie said as I got in the car giving me a kiss on the cheek .

"I missed uu too babes " I told her putting on my seatbelt .

"Where we going " I asked her as she pulled out of my driveway .

"To get our hair done and some things for this party I wanna go to " she said .

"I was not invited so no " I told her .

"Uu with me so uu are invited " she said smiling pulling in the parking lot of the hair salon .

"What color uu getting " she asked me

" I wanna a blonde lace with a middle part " I told her .

"What color uu getting "I asked her .

"I wanna try a lavender color "she told me befor telling the hair dresser .

"That would be cute " I said as we both as we both sitting down .

"Fendi baby uu look gwood " she told me recording me .

"Thank uu "I said smiling.

"If I was gay I shole would've been all on uu "she told me recoding her self .

"Girl uu so fineee "I told her recording her .

"Bitch if I was gay I would be on uu to " I told her as we took boomerang .

"Bitchhh ty gon really wanna get a li eat eat in on uu " she told me .

"Girl we just friends " I told her walking to her car .

"We finna get some snacks from the store " she told me backing out .

"Uu wanna have a sleepover at my house cause a bitch don't wanna be home by herself I be lonely " she told me driving to Walmart .

"I have to ask my parents " I told her Callin my momma .

"Yes fendi" she said answering the phone .

"Can I sleepover at tookie house please " I asked .

"Yes but come get some clothes " she said before hanging uup .

"What she say " tookie asked me .

"She said yes but come get some clothes "I told her looking out the window .

"Ok we gon go get uur clothes then to Walmart " she said pulling uup to my house .


"THEY DO " tookie yelled .


"PULLED UUP GWAG 63 " tookie yelled as we pulled in my drive way .

Getting out the car to go get all the stuff I need and came back out .

"Alr let's go" she said driving to Walmart .

Getting all the snacks we need going to her house .

"Girl I'm finna go take a shower uu can take a shower in the guest bathroom " she told me before walking uup the stairs .

I grabbed my stuff and walk to the bathroom and washed my body .

"What movie we watching " she asked me .

"We can watch love and basketball " I said grabbing my snack .

"Girl yess " she said grabbing her snacks as well .

"This move is one of my favorite movies " I said to her .

"Girl mines to I wish I was like them " she said frowning .

"One day uu will "I said smiling .

"So what's up with uu and ty girl " she asked me tilting her head .

"Nun we just friends "I told her putting a chip in my mouth .

"We just friends my ass I be seeing the way he be looking at uu he never acted like this with a female before " she said looking at me smiling .

"I must be special " I said not trying to smile but failed .

"As uu should ,aww uu blushing " she said touching my cheek .

"I'm not "I said smiling real hard .

"But do uu like him " she asked .

"I don't kn but I really like his vibe " I told her truthfully.

"He like uu I can tell " she said looking at me .

"Mmh but what's uup with uu and trey tho " I asked he smiling .

"Gurl that's my lil boo " she said

"Aww look at uu y'all do look cute together "I told her as she started blushing .

"Speaking of him hear he go calling Gn bestie " she said getting uup giving me a hug going uup stairs .

"Good night best "I told her laying down .

"Tyty💚😍would like to FaceTime uu"Siri said scaring me .

"Hey bubba "I said in my sleep voice .

"We're uu going to sleep " he asked me .

"Yes but uu can stay on the phone " I told him dowsing off .

"Gn night bestie "he told me saying on the phone .

I just love the way he care for me and make me feel .

- hey y'all my mf phone broke I went to the place to get it fixed and the mf lady broke my shii even more I should go back and hit her pregnant ass with that mf book .

- this short but get these likes uup 🥰.

-China is mf back and what about ittt 🦵🏾💚.

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