Chapter22: Bad

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Zayns POV: 

Everyone stood around the elevator with Amanda.

" here's the game plan we will be here for a week, boys you have three tv interviews and one radio, a photo shoot for bop mag, a signing, a meet and greet . Girls you have two radio interviews, two tv interviews, and a phone interview with people mag and a photo shoot for them as well. one top of all your normal Rehearsals. Y'all go on stage twice tomarrow night and Friday. So be ready oh and Taylor? See Pat Thursday to get your hair touched up".

I made a mental note to have Liam remember all that we had to do before stepping into the elevator with everyone else.

How about a movie before bed. Asked Liam

I'm not really up for it to night, stated Taylor

I'm glad she said it cause I don't think I could watch toy story again.

We entered our suite and it was beautiful

The formal living room was decorated in warm brown beiges and dark oranges, a big flat screen hd tv hung on the wall and there was a dark orange sofa with matching love seat and arm chair with a round coffee table with matching end tables. The carpet was a soft beige color.


Taylor's POV  

It was around 9:07 at night when we entered our hotel suite.

I'm starving stated Niall

Everyone agreed

Ill make dinner, if you give me a few mins to see what we have, I stated walking towards the kitchen Amanda had stated that there would be a fully stocked kitchen.

After checking out the pantry and ice box I saw that I had everything I needed an sat to work cooking.

And hour and thirty mins had passes before I called everyone for dinner.  

I sat the table and examined the chicken Marsala,mushrooms and potatoes. Deciding that it would do. I also sat the carrot cake on the table, I really loved to cook it came to easy to me.

Everybody piled in and took a seat.

Finally I'm starving shout Niall

It's not that deep I could've took a lot longer, I laughed patting him on the head.

Twin you made mushrooms? Asked selena

Yeah I answer

yay i love you  she smiled 

she really loves mushrooms

The room fell silent as everybody started eating, I waited for some sign that someone didn't like it but they all just kept stuffing their faces.

Dinner ended with Niall and Louis fighting over the carrot cake and Liam deciding on splitting it into twos. 

When everything was said and done everyone seemed pleased.

Well I'm going to bed I stated grabbing Niall by the wrist and pulling him up from his chair.

And so are you.

Everyone shot us a look but I brushed it off I needed to tell someone about the kiss Harry and I shared the other night.

it was eatting me alive.. hes been acting really weird around me lately..

Niall followed me upstairs and waited for me to get ready for bed.

Come here lucky I need to talk to you about something, I haven't even told parris yet.

He climbed into the bed next to me and layed his head in my lap.

" shoot, I'm all ears" he stated looking in to my eyes.

Well remember our last night in our last city?

" yeah sure"

Well, umm Harry sort of kissed me... Like really kissed me, like deeply and stuff and there was all these fireworks and butterflies. but as soon as I pulled away, not that I didn't like it.. Just needed some air, he told me that he just wanted to be friends now hes acting strange. I let my voice drop when I said strange.

Lucky? You still with me? NIALL? Hellooo?

Niall was quite before sitting up and facing away from me.

"Well isn't that just fuckin perfect..."

Niall, what ar-

" nothing ... it's just Harry  good to girls ... want me to find out if he likes you too?"

It's not like that, I just needed someone to talk about it to, I don't want to date Harry, no need t5o be a dick about it"

" we'll , I'm sorry if I can't be a Lil less dick- like, about it, it's just that.....? 

Just that you what?

" nothing"

Just spit it the fuck out already

" it's nothing"

You either better start talking or start praying

"Eh, praying for what?"

"That they get to you before I choke ya ass to death in here!"

" Harry's not good to girls and i don't want you to get hurt, "

"Niall I... don't want to date Harry besides it'd be him that would get hurt".

" I know you feel for him"

Shut up and listen, I dpn't want to date Harry, I really don't but I'm not what he needs, being with me would deprive him/ anyone for that matter of true love. I would never put him through that, No matter how much I wanted to I could never return any feeling of love, I just couldn't live noing that I caused  so much pain.

" pain?"

yeah..its sorta like the song bad.. ever heard it?

" no.."

well theres a part that goes 

" is it bad that i never mad love no i never did.. but i sure know how to fu*k ... ill be ya bad girl ill prove it to ya.. i cant promise that ill be good to you, cause i have some issues .. wont commit no not having it buy at least i can admit ill be bad to you." 

thats how it is with me... 

But promise me that you'll stay my friend forever No matter what!

" I promise"

Sealed with a kiss?


I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, it wasn't like the kiss I'd shared with Harry it was a quick peck.

"So what now?"

Nothing, we just keep going like normal

" sounds good to me"

He layed back down in my lap and I rubbed my fingers through his hair until we fell asleep.

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