Chapter 6

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Sana didn't bother Tzuyu anymore she admit that she was hurt when Tzuyu leave her alone that night, but a half of Sana blaming her own self since it's her fault at the first place because she's forcing Tzuyu to like her back.

Meanwhile, Tzuyu is now starting to feel guilty on what she did to the latter. She attempt to talk to her but she really don't have the courage to face Sana...

"Tzu, Are you alright??.." Dahyun asked, as she noticed the latter that she's spacing out.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." Tzuyu answer...

"You're always not having a good sleep, are you sure you're okay?."

"This is all Sana's fault. She's always running on my mind and I don't know why..." Tzuyu said to herself.

"Our professor won't attend our class today, do you want to join us in the field? Chaeyoung and I will going to watch the volleyball game."



When they arrived at the field. They seated at the empty bench while watching the volleyball game in the field.

Tzuyu is not literally watching since she's still bothered.. 

"Uhmmm, I'll just gonna go back to the room..." Tzuyu said....

"Why??? Aren't you going to watch?.."

"I'm sleepy..."

"Arasso, just wait us there..."

Tzuyu didn't wait to their response as she walks away... When she was walking through the hallway, she saw Sana talking with boy student from different department.

"Noona, I made this for you. I hope you like it...." The boy smile at her, and Sana smile back...

"Komawo, I appreciate your effort for making this.." Sana answer...

"I really like you Noona..." The boy shyly said as he cutely rubs his nape.

"Kiyowo (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') .."

"Psh... She's really too naive..." Tzuyu mumbled as she was looking at Sana and the boy she's talking with.

Tzuyu just continue walking, Sana notice her and they made an eye contact but Tzuyu quickly averted her eyes ..

When Tzuyu arrived at her classroom, she suddenly feel irritated ...

"How can she easily accept gifts from someone she don't know..." Tzuyu mumbled...


Day have passed by and Sana is still avoiding the latter. Meanwhile, Tzuyu was really frustrated because the fact that Sana is not bothering her anymore.

Tzuyu, Dahyun and Chaeyoung are currently in the private bar since it's weekend they decided to hangout ...

"I thought you guys will drink?.." Tzuyu asked...

"No, we still young... Orange juice is alright..." Dahyun said

"Orange Juice?? You can just make orange juice even in house why we need to still go here..." Tzuyu said..

"Because there's a lot of pretty girl here.." Chaeyoung whisper to Tzuyu...

"Aren't you like Mina???." Tzuyu asked.

"No. Jeongyeon Unnie is courting her. But I have a little crush on her..." Chaeyoung answer..

"Why Tzu, are you getting bored???." Dahyun asked.

"Yeah, kind of.."

"Ey, you can just make friends with those girls..." Dahyun pointed the group of girls looking at Tzuyu.. "They are staring at you since we got here..."

"No. I don't like to flirt..." Tzuyu said...

Minutes later, Tzuyu really got bored so she decided to went to the rooftop to smell some fresh air.

When she got there she saw a sudden commotion between a girl and boy...

"Let's go, you will gonna have some fun with us.." the boy said as she was grabbing the girls wrist...

"I don't want to!... Stop touching me.." The girl said, the girl is a little bit tipsy as she also drunk...

Meanwhile, Tzuyu walks closer to them as she noticed the girl...

"Let's go..." The guy once again grab her wrist but suddenly Tzuyu quickly push the guy's hand...

"Don't touch her..." Tzuyu seriously said...

"Who are you????."

"I"m her friend."

"She went here alone, so what are you saying???.."

"Better to leave now, or else I'll gonna call police for harassing her..."

"Tsk.." The guy irritatedly walks away...

Tzuyu face the girl, and she suddenly smile for unknown reason when she confirmed that it was Sana...

"Ohhhhh..." Sana cupped Tzuyu's face... "T-Tzuyu~ah... *Hik* You-You save me 😁.."

"Stand properly..." Tzuyu said as she held Sana's waist...

"Whoahhh *hik*.... Y-You're so pretty ..." Sana said as she was staring at Tzuyu's eyes...

"Tzuyu's heart suddenly beat so fast when she realized how close Sana face on her.. she even feel the latter's warm breath...

"Where's your friend??? Did you came here alone?????."

"*Hik* W-What are you doing here... *Hik* .... did you... Did you came here to see me??? 😁..."

"I came here with Dahyun and Chaeyoung Unnie..." Tzuyu said...

"Numohae..." Sana pout... "You're always rejecting me... *Hik* Y-You even leave me that night... *Hik*  I hate you..." Sana said...

"Sorry..." Tzuyu said in a lower voice...

"T-Tzuyu~ah... *Hik* I-I really like you 😁 I hope you will believe me ... *Hik* I hope you will give me chance to prove it to you ..."


"W-Why are you saying sorry??? *Hik*...."

"You're cute..." Tzuyu mumbled, as she was mesmerized to the latter a beauty...

"Me??? 🙂❤️..."


"You're also cute 😁..." Sana said as she stretch Tzuyu's cheeks...

"Kiyowo 🙂..."



"D-Do you like me too!? *Hik* ..."

Tzuyu suddenly stare at Sana, her heart is still beating so fast ..

"I think so Sana..." Tzuyu mumbled to her head.... "I'm not that dumb not to feel this kind of feelings. You're always running on my mind. I miss the way you give me messages... I also feel empty, I miss the way you irritates me and now my heart is beating so fast because of you... I think I like you Sana." She added.

Sana pout... "*Hik* Y-You don't need to answer it... I know, already the answer..." Sana sadly said, as her eyes finally close as she also feel tired and sleepy...

Her head fall on Tzuyu's shoulder, and Tzuyu just smile as she gently patting her back...

"I hope I can finally say it to you Sana ..." Tzuyu whisper...


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