Chapter 27

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An hour later Sana finally arrived at the Fancy Restaurant, when she get inside she already saw her parents...

"Sana..." Her mom wave at her...

"Mom, Dad..." Sana seated....

"Finally you show up...." His father said..

"Dad, I'm still not agreeing on this fixed marriage. I show up because I still have my respect to you ..."

"Sana..." Her mom said...

"Sana, I'm doing this for your own sake. I want you to meet a better person who will love and protect you and I  think this time, I already found the perfect person for you.."

"How can he be perfect, I don't know him Dad..."

"Who told you that he's a guy?.."


"Ohhhh, They're here. Stand up and greet them properly..." Mr.Minatozaki said as he also fixed his coat...

"'s nice meeting you..."

"It's nice meeting you too..." Mr.Minatozaki came closer as they greeted them..

"Oh, gosh .. this is it..." Sana mumbled as she close her eyes...

"Sana, Come here..."

"Is this your Daughter???."

Sana stand up, as she slowly turned around to see them...

"Yes, She's my only Daughter. Sana Minatozaki..."

The moment Sana turned around her eyes went wide.....

"She's beautiful.. and this is my Daughter..."

The Girl walks closer to Sana as she sweetly smile to her...

"Hi, I'm Tzuyu 🙂..."

"T-Tzuyu~ah...." Sana mumbled.

Meanwhile Sana suddenly froze .... 

"Sana????." Mr.Minatozaki is calling his daughter's attention.

"Kiyowo 😊.." Tzuyu mumbled.

After greeting. Sana and Tzuyu went to their table, while their parents are on the other side as they are talking about business.

Sana is still spacing out, she can't believe that her fiance is no other than Tzuyu ...

"Are you done day dreaming??..." Tzuyu teasingly said, but Sana gave her a death glare...

"I hate you 😐..."

"Aren't you happy that I'm your fiance???." Tzuyu pout...

"Is this real??? ~ Tell me, I'm not dreaming right???..."

Tzuyu laugh... "Do you want me to kiss you to prove that it's not a dream 😄?..."

"All this time, you knew about this..."


"Nu mohae... I almost lost my mind at the thought of who will be my fiance and then I noticed that you don't seem to care who my future fiancé is, I feel in those days that I just nothing for you because you don't seem to be afraid losing me and the fact that it's have a possibility that we will be separated."

"I told you don't think too much. Like what I've said no one can separate us. If I need to fight my love for you, I will...."

"H-How did you convince my Dad???."

"I told him, I love you. Me and my parents talk to him you know what Sana you're lucky to have your Dad, he's so protective and He really cares for you. He actually don't agree, because he thought that I'm just the same as your exes but a assurance that I will never going to hurt nor leave you. I invest all my share to your Dad's company in exchange I will marry you..  so in short I'm totally broke now 🙂 ...."

SHE'S MINE - SATZU #1Where stories live. Discover now