Chapter 61

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Morning, Tzuyu woke up and the moment she open her eyes she didn't saw her wife at her side she rubs her eyes and stand up when suddenly she got feel dizzy and a she a severe headaches...

Tzuyu seated at the floor as she was trying to calm herself and seconds later her headache fades away, she went to the bathroom and wash her face...

When she came outside she didn't saw Mina, so she just sadly pout and went to the kitchen when suddenly she saw a sticky note in the fridge.

Hi, Tzu

Good Morning ~ I already went to work since we have a urgent early meeting with my co-instructor. I cook your breakfast, it's on the fridge just heat it okay?

See you, later. I love you.

Tzuyu suddenly smile when she read her wife's message so she quickly prepare her breakfast and eat...


Tzuyu was playing some games when suddenly she got bored and miss her wife, she checked the time and immediately dressed up...

While she's on her way to Mina's Dance Academy she received a sudden call from Chaeyoung.


Is Calling You...


Tzuyu: why?

Chaeyoung: you're getting mean everyday eh??

Why did you call??

We are going Hangout in the club later, are you joining us???

No, why would I??
Sana will got scold me...

As what I'm expecting...


Tzuyu quickly hang up the call without waiting to Chaeyoung's response.. Tzuyu passed by in the flower shop as she bought a bouquet of tulip's.

10:45 AM when she arrived at Mina's Dance Academy and when she arrive some of the dancers including the students squealing and giggling when they saw Tzuyu...

Tzuyu went to the dance practice room, there's some students there and they're actually having a break when suddenly her eyesbrows furrowed when she saw her talking with Guy.

Her ears perked when she hear her wife's laugh so she quickly walks closer to them..

Mina was suddenly surprised when someone hold her hand...


Tzuyu glare the man that Mina is talking.

"Uhmm, Jimin~sshi I'll just talk to you again later.." Mina said as she suddenly feel Tzuyu tighten her grip on her hand.

"Arasso 🙂.." Jimin sweetly smile to Mina before she leave ...


"What are you doing her?? You didn't inform me that you will come..." Mina said.

"Who is he?? 😑.." Tzuyu asked...

"He's my co-dance instructor, he is Jimin.."

"He likes you??? 😑.."


"He seems he like you... Doesn't he know that you're already married? ..."

"Tzu. Jimin and I are just friends." Mina said...

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