Chapter 39

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Tzuyu and Sana are currently having their dinner with their fathers as they also taking about their upcoming wedding..

"When are you going guys in Thailand?." Sana's father asked.

"This coming weekend Dad.. we will going with Momoring and Mina and with Tzuyu's friend..." Sana answer.

"Tzuyu's friend?? You mean, Elkie???." Mr.Chou asked,as she looks at Tzuyu...

"Yes Dad..." Tzuyu said..

"Arasso... When you guys back here let's start planning for your wedding..."

"Okay Dad 🙂..."

After they had their dinner, Tzuyu and Sana went home. Tzuyu will gonna sleep to Sana's unit since they already have plan to have movie marathon since they don't have class tomorrow...

When they arrived Sana quickly slammed on her bed...

"Are you tired???.."

Tzuyu asked as she seated and gently caressed the latters face.


"Want me to give you a massage?."

"Yes, Please..."

Sana seated properly and Tzuyu starts giving her a massage on her back.



"Where do you want us to held our wedding?.."

"Uhm, I actually want to held in Paris. "


"Mmmm, how about you??."

"If you want in Paris then let's held our wedding there..."

"Really?? ..."

"Yeap 🙂..."

"By the way, your graduation is coming near ..."

"Oh, yeah I almost forgot about it."

"I won't gonna be able to see you  in school if you already graduated..." Tzuyu sadly said.

"Ey, we already married that time so we will still going to see each other ..."

"Do you have already plan after your Graduation??."

"Uhmmm, No I don't yet plan and Tzu... Let's not talk about my graduation..." Sana face the latter... "I also don't want to be sad...." She added.

Tzuyu smile and messed Sana's hair. "Arasso..." Tzuyu cupped her face and kiss Sana.. "I love you (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ ..." She whisper...

"I love you more (*˘︶˘*).。*♡..." Sana answer back and hugs her..


Meanwhile, Elkie and and Manager are arguing when Elkie said that She's going to have a vacation with Tzuyu in Thailand.

"But, it's Chuseok Day Unnie. It's Holiday okay..."

"But you have a photoshoot that day Elkie and it's very important..."

"No. I don't care about that photoshoot. I want to be with Tzuyu okay? Please Unnie just this once. I want to be with her.."

"Elkie, answer me. Do you like your friend??? .."

Elkie didn't response .. she just only drink her wine..

"It's true??? Elkie you can't lie to me. I know the stares you're always giving to Tzuyu Everytime you guys are together but... We both know that your friend is already taken.."

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