Chapter 32

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Tzuyu and Sana are cuddling in the bed as they finished having their dinner.



"I already back out for my upcoming Pictorial with Elkie Unnie..."

"Huh???.." Sana looks at Tzuyu... "Is it because of me???."

"No, I just decided not to do it..."

"But. You already agreed with her right??."

"I already talk to her manager and they respect my decision so don't worry..."

"Why I feel like it's my fault?.." Sana pout..

"It's not your fault.. ~ It's my decision Sana. I should understand you, if you're uncomfortable with my friend, It's alright I won't force you to meet her..."


"You're the most important to me. I will do everything for you, I also want you to feel comfortable... 🙂..." Tzuyu said as she intently staring at the latter.


Tzuyu seated properly as well as Sana....

"It's okay Love ..." Tzuyu gently touch Sana's face. "It's just a Pictorial. I will just focus on my upcoming competition..."

"Sorry ..."

Tzuyu messed Sana's hair... "I love you Sana ♥️.."

"I love you too Tzuyu~ah ( ˘ ³˘)♥.."

Tzuyu and Sana stare each other for a second, until Sana get surprised when Tzuyu claimed her lips...

Sana wrapped her arms to Tzuyu's nape when the latter starts to nibble her lowered lips, until Sana gave in she let Tzuyu finally invade her mouth...

Their kiss went to a hot and passionate one, Tzuyu let Sana laid down in the bed as they were Continue kissing ...

"Mmmmm..." Sana moan when Tzuyu starts teasing and sucking her tongue inside her mouth, and when she hear Sana's moan, Tzuyu stop kissing her and stare at the latter...

"What???.." Sana asked, as her face is now starting to heat up.

"That's the sexiest moan I've ever hear 🙂.." Tzuyu said in lowered voice, but Sana 's eyebrows furrowed...

"What? So it mean, you kiss someone before 🤨???.." Sana asked.

Tzuyu just chuckled.. "You're always jealous 🙈♥️.." Tzuyu teasingly said as she kiss Sana's forehead...

"Yeah, because I love you ( ˘ ³˘)♥.."

"I'm only yours Sana (*˘︶˘*).。*♡.." Tzuyu sincerely said...

"That's good to hear 🙂.."

Tzuyu notice that Sana's eyes are staring at her lips...

"Is my lips sexy??? 😆.." Tzuyu asked...

Sana smirked... "Yes, and it's tempting me..." Sana seductively said..

Meanwhile, Tzuyu suddenly gulp she didn't expect that Sana will answer her back..

"Why are you gulping?? 😏..." Sana asked.

"Huh??? I'm not..." Tzuyu said.. "Let's sleep now 😁.." Tzuyu was about to move away from Sana's top but Sana didn't let her go...


"Why you look so tense Tzuyu~ah (≧▽≦).."

Tzuyu's heartbeat are now starting to beat so fast when Sana starts to bite her lowered lips.

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