Things We Lost In The Fire

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A crisp shade of smoke invades the night's moment to shine;
As embers of what was once ours decay into ash.
Perhaps we needed a clean slate; a chance to change for the second time.
Perhaps it was a reason for us to dance on broken glass.
We have lost everything in the last seven months and I know we're all tossing and turning in tire;
As we mourn things we lost in the fire.

Before the first whiff of smoke raged across this earth;
I could taste freedom; flying all over this world.
Before the sunlight was too weak to fight an uncontrollable spark;
I was happy; unfazed by the unknown; all-losing dark.
And here I am cuddled by the shadows of something I once feared;
I am well aware of the irony posed here.
If I said I was completely happy I would be a liar;
As I mourn things I lost in the fire.

Immediately prior to the inferno scorching the world like a woman scorned;
Hell was raised and hearts were burned.
In the wake of such devastation all I was left with was my poetry;
Just words born out of intense worry.
What happens next?
Will I ever be the same?
Will I ever rest?
How swiftly has this chaos came?
The flames sucked the blood from my veins like a sire;
As I mourn things lost in the fire.

Here we are, seven billion people, scalded by the same boiling pot;
Third degree burns; turning our cold hearts hot.
There may be some people reading this who don't think they'll end up melting in the flames;
But, I hope you know how dangerously you're playing this game.
Keep to the left and take in a deep breath;
For we are still stuck in this almighty test.
As ash and embers land on our weary faces aching like a palm to wire;
Allow yourself to mourn things we lost in the fire.

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