Chapter 8. Tsunami.

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The ride to Vincent's house was awkward. At least for George. He was emotionally exhausted and didn't know what to do. Clay didn't officially apologize for not telling him he was in France, and they didn't talk about it... but George did not want to come in between Clay and his soulmate, so he stayed silent. Or, well, tried to.

He felt, as he was told, the green jealousy flower bloom inside his heart, spreading its venomous vines all over his body. He could not handle the sweet chatter of the two, so he leaned on the car door pretending to be tired. He was tired in a way. Tired of Dream gashing about Vincent...

"-and actually drew this with Henna! Isn't that cool?" George actually did not hear half of the monologue that Clay just had.

"Stop it, Dream! I'm not that good!" Ugh. Couldn't they just refrain from flirting in front of him?

"Yeah, you are! George! What do you think?"

The Brit looked up, blinking away his wallowing in despair. He was not able to get rid of the jealousy though. Maybe that's why he sounded so bitter.

"Ah, yes. It looks marvelous." Fuck. Dream looked at him with confusion laced in those bright eyes. They must be bright, even though he could not tell. George could not help it, he always sounded overly posh and sour when he was jealous.

"Okay...?" Vincent frowned gripping the steering wheel of his car. He could sense the mild hostility coming from George and did not understand what exactly was wrong. "How was your flight by the way?"

"Oh, it was great. Thank you, for asking." Dream received a short angry glare, feeling it crawl up his back like an ugly spider. What the hell?! What did he do?!

George couldn't blame Vincent for this, so there was no point in being rude to him.... if he did sound mean towards the French man, he did not truly mean it. He was mad at Clay and Vincent just got in the way.

"Any plans while you're here?"

George scoffed coldly turning his angry gaze to glare at his own reflection in the car door. "I'll have to make new ones. All the ones that I had before just got canceled."

George was conflicted. He wanted to leave. He desperately wanted to go back to his apartment in London and pretend like nothing ever happened. But at the same time he dreaded leaving. He just got here, he just met Dream, for God's sake! And even when Dream was acting like an absolute moron, he was still George's best friend.... plus George was not exactly behaving either right now.

Dream cleared his throat looking at George questionably but his friend did not grace with even a glance, continuing to stare out of the window. Clay decided not to push.

"So have you been having fun with Vincent, Clay?" George asked after 5 minutes in silence.

"I guess...?" Clay stammered, he had absolutely no idea what to do in this situation. "We- um... we were mostly just taking care of Darryl..."

George nodded, folding his hands on his chest and crossing his legs. "Did anything fun together?"

"I mean... yeah?" What was this about? George could not be tired, the flight was not that long. Unless he didn't sleep the night before. Which was more likely. "We went to the city a few times, made dinner toge-"

"Aha, interesting. Please spare me the details." George hissed out unfolding his hands and turning away again. He did not want to know what couple cute things the two did... at the same time he did! Because he wanted to do that with Clay! He will never able to though so that's why he decided it was better not to know. Vincent sighed very loudly. He had sensed there was some misunderstanding between the two, but he did not want to intervene.

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