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When the boys came back to the studio after trying to figure out how to fix everything, Luke froze in the doorway as he look to the couch.

"Guys.. guys! Where's Lee?" He said looking to the other two nervously.

"Im sure she's alright Luke. Let's just wait and see when she'll be back. She's probably looking for us

Luke looked over to where there used to be three electric six string guitars, now only seeing two.

"Then where's the the third six string?! Guys something is wrong!" Luke said in full blown panic.

The other two boys looked at each other worried, mostly because this is very unlike Luke. He's usually the one who's not very worried about anyone else.

"Hey let me go!" Leanna said to Caleb as they poofed into the club, Leanna somehow dressed nicely in a navy blue dress and curled hair.

"Silly girl, I own you now your not going anywhere." Caleb said with an evil laugh.

Leanna looked at him with pure sadness as she was forced into the stage once the music started.

She saw there was a whole crowd in the main room just like when she came here with the boys.

She happened to spot willie and gave him an angry look, then seeing him poof away.

Back at the studio, the boys were all freaking out trying to figure this whole thing out while getting ready for the gig they got to fix things with julie.

They all preformed at the gig, Julie getting in trouble for sneaking out since she apparently missed half to school day.

Getting back to the studio, the boys saw a nervous willie standing outside.

"What do you want." An angry Luke asked.

"Leanna is in danger." Willie said, his voice breaking up.

Luke's full attention went to willie as he stepped towards him. "You know where she is?!" Luke said a little loudly.

"Y-yes.. Caleb is forcing her into playing in his band so you three are safe. We have to get her out of there before it's too late." Willie said while looking down.

"What do you mean too late?!" Reggie asked, also getting a little mad. Something that wasn't common.

"The club is leaving for their world tour soon. They're gonna be gone for a while.. once they leave, she can't come back." Willie said.

The three boys all got an angry expression. "Look, if we get there before the partys until they leave for the tour are all over and save her, she will be alright.. but the zaps will come back" Willie said, the boys quickly agreeing to go back.

Poofing there all together, the boys arrive mid performance, seeing Leanna shredding it with the six string.

As mad as Luke was with the whole thing, hearing Leanna play made a small smile form on his face while the other two were shocked.

Leanna saw the boys poof in with Willie and gave them a look, showing she was terrified.

Luke gave her a small smile, then turned to the boys who had their shocked looks. They started talking and the turned back around to watch the rest of the performance.

Once it ended, everyone on the stage disappeared, including Leanna, which left the boys speechless.

"What now?!" Luke quietly whispered to Willie.

"Come, before anyone notices." Willie said while leading the boys down a hallway.

"And where are you boys going?" Caleb said as he appeared infront of them.

"Oh, they needed the bathroom, so I'm showing them where it is." Willie said, confident in his answer.

Caleb nodded his head, allowing the boys to continue to where they were going.

Entering a big room, Luke spotted Leanna sitting in a corner, away from all the other performers, crying.

"Lee!" Luke said as he ran over to her, embracing her in a hug. She quickly stood up, melting into his hug.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't do anything."
Leanna said into Luke's chest as her tears drenched his shirt.

The other two boys joined their hug and They all held the hug until willie cleared his throat saying "you guys should get outta here, I'll cover."

The four nodded and were about to poof away, Leanna stopped them. "You guys.. if we go back, we won't have much time. I don't want to put you in danger again."

"Lee, none of this is worth doing if we aren't doing it with you. We can figure something out, trust me." Luke said as he took the girls hand.

"There actually is something.. your unfinished business. If you figure that out, you will cross over and be free from all of this. Since you three died together, your is probably connected, and Leanna has to figure hers out." Willie said.

"The Orpheum.. the three boys looked at eachother while saying.

"We all wanted that. That's gotta be it!" They said.

Leanna was worried though. She didn't have anything to finish. Everything is going to end for her.

"Lee, what about you? Any idea?" Reggie asked with a smile.

Leanna couldn't Bring herself to tell them she had no clue, so she just smiled and said "yeah, some personal thing though."

The boys nodded and they all poofed out, just in time before Caleb came back.

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