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"Alright guys.. I'm gonna head to the school now. Don't bail on me please." Julie said as she walked out of the studio, dressed in her "90's girl" costume.

The boys kept saying that the girls didn't actually dress like that in the 90's, but Julie didn't care. She had her bright neon colors, scrunchies, tights, you name it.

The four ghosts went to change into their costumes, Leanna going into the bathroom to change while the boys just went to different corners of the room.

It didn't take her long to change, giving her extra time to do whatever.

Before leaving the bathroom, she knocked on the door and said "can I come out of are you all half naked?!"

The three boys laughed and Reggie said "you can come out!"

Leanna stepped out of the bathroom, seeing the three boys. Reggie was dressed like a secret agent, Luke was a pretty creepy clown, and Alex was dressed as a baby.

Leanna laughed at Alex and said "dude.. you look so stupid right now."

Alex gasped dramatically as he put his hand on his chest and said "I look fabulous. The cutest baby ever."

The four laughed and Leanna said "I'm gonna go to my house and check in, I'll meet you guys at the school?"

The boys nodded and Leanna poofed away, appearing in her old bedroom. She spotted Millie in there, looking through her old clothes. Leanna wanted to yell at her, but what can she do now.

Leanna sat on her bed, watching Millie look through the closet. All she wanted was for her sister to see her. That's all that could flow through her mind right now.

"Ah!" Mille said as she turned around to face where Leanna sat.

"Wait.. you see me?!" Leanna said after she looked around the room.

Millie didn't answer Leanna, but instead attempted to hug her, succeeding.

"Lee.." she cried into her sisters shoulder.

"Mills, how are you doing.. I've been checking in on you." Leanna said with a smile.

"Good.. I'm on the volleyball team.. i seen those notes you left me." Millie said, wiping her eyes.

"Good, I'm preforming at the Halloween party tonight with my friends, you should come. And bring Laura.. I miss that loser." Leanna said, the last part jokingly.

"Y-yeah lemme call her! She can get away as a supervisor." Millie said with a smile.

"Alright, I have to get there, tell Laura I miss her." Leanna said as she hugged her sister one last time.

"See you there!" Millie said in the happiest tone she's heard in years.

Leanna poofed to the school, the boys setting up on stage and Julie holding in her laughs at Alex's costume.

"Hey where've you been? We go on in like a minute!" Luke said, giving Leanna a hug.

"My sister saw me.. like actually saw me.." she said, getting shocked looks from the four band members.

"Really?! How'd you do it! I went Bobby to see us so we can yell at him!" Luke said, starting to get excited.

"I just thought about her seeing me.. then it happened.. it was crazy." Leanna said, being cut off as Flynn announced the band.

"Hearts on fire
We're no liars, so we say what we wanna say
I'm awakened, no more faking
So we push all our fears away
Don't know if I'll make 'cause I'm falling under
Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder
I wanna fly
Come alive
Watch me shine.." Julie sang, the band appearing to everyone after she was done.

"I got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me
Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe
Been so long and now we're finally free."

Leanna, Luke, and Julie harmonized while Alex and reggie sang the background sounds.

Leanna noticed Millie running in with Laura, smiles on both of their faces. She smiled to the two girls, Laura looking like she wanted to cry.

"I got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me
Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe
Been so long and now we're finally free
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I got a spark in me (Ooh)
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me (A part of me, yeah)
Hands up if you're with me
Now till eternity (Ooh)
Hands up if you believe
Been so long and now we're finally free
Finally free, yeah"

Leanna and Luke got the last verse as a duet since Julie practically begged them to since she knew the two were great duet parters.

The crowd of kids cheered as the four ghosts poofed away, leaving Julie to smile and bow.

"and that was Julie and the phantoms!" Flynn said, starting up her playlist again.

Leanna and Luke left the gym where everyone was and walked together around the school.

"Lee you look great." Luke said as he held her hand.

"Thanks, and you look creepy." Leanna responded with a small laugh.

Luke smiled at her and gave her a kiss. "I'm glad you took my advice but aren't you cold?"

"Yeah, a little. I'll be fine though." Leanna responded with a laugh.

Luke smiled at her and poofed away, then poofed back with a jacket.

"You dork." Leanna said as she put on his jacket.

"I might be the dork, but at least I'm not the loser." He said, raising an eyebrow and smiling.

"Lukas Patterson!" Leanna said with a smirk, running down the hallways

"That's not my name Leanna Myers." He said as he chased Leanna down the hall.

Leanna ran but fell as she bumped into a big baby.

"Alex!" She said while looking up at him, grabbing his hand to get up.

"Look I'm sorry but we have to go.. now. I just got a note from Willie and he said Caleb left the club and is trying to find us.. we don't have a lot of time." Alex said as Luke finally caught up.

"H-he what?! Does Julie know?" Leanna asked, noticing Reggie nodding his head yes.

"Look, is there anywhere we can go that he won't look or doesn't know about?" Luke asked, Leanna knowing a good place.

"Yeah, come with me." She said, linking arms with all of the boys, poofing away.

✔️My Rockstar |Luke Patterson|Where stories live. Discover now