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We stopped when we heard snow crunching just a few meters away from the highway. It was a quiet night, and only the sounds of the hooves of Alexander's horse was heard, so it was pretty easy to hear if anyone was walking through the snow.

I searched for any figures that, hopefully, belonged to Kathleen. I hope she's out here walking than . . . well, captured by whoever not trustworthy.

"I think that's her," Madrigal said, gently bumping my shoulder as she pointed at a small figure tripping and stumbling in the snow. I could not have seen it if it weren't for Madrigal because the figure was a bit hidden behind trunks of trees.

I nodded, a giddy smile forming on my lips as I hurriedly hopped out of the cart and ran towards the figure. Kathleen's figure was moving slowly, so I caught up to her in no time.

"Kathleen!" I called out, not too loud to call anyone else' attention, except hers, of course.

The figure stopped a few meters in front of me. She stood stiff in her spot, just staring straight ahead of her.

"Kathleen," I called out again, more softer this time. "It's me, Veronica."

She slowly turned around. Her face was hidden in the shadows, yet I was certain that it was her.

First slowly, then increasing in speed like a ball rolling down a hill, she ran towards me, running into my open arms and hugging me tightly. We both fell down to the ground, chuckling because of relief.

"I was so scared I'd never see you again," I said, wiping off her tears.

She nodded and smiled. "Me too."

"Come, come. Benjamin's gonna find out we've escaped any time now, and he'd definitely hunt us down," Madrigal said, appearing behind us. Her eyes were glued to Kathleen, narrowed and calculating. My heart raced when I remembered Benjamin. He must be on his way right now.

I ushered Kathleen quickly to Alexander's cart. I felt so ready to leave the place, but we weren't moving. Alexander turned to look at me. "Where to?"

I stared back at him. Where to? I hadn't thought of that. I shrugged. "I don't know. Anywhere far from here, away from Benjamin and all those villagers."

He nodded. "Fair enough."

With that, we started to move. The chilly night air was blowing on our faces, making us squint our eyes. The rows of naked trees on either side of the road slowly decreasing in number as we moved further from the village.

But it wasn't long until something happened.

Alexander's horse skid to a halt and brought up its two front legs, standing on his hind legs. I almost thought that it would fall down on us, but it did not. It just kept snorting and whining, making Alexander immediately jump down from his seat and rush to it. "What's wrong, boy?"

"So you think you can get away with that?" a voice said, which-unluckily-sounded familiar, sounding as arrogant and boastful as ever. A figure walked towards us from the woods, the bright moonlight illuminating his face, revealing to us an amused smile.

He clapped his hands slowly. "Though I have to say, I'm pretty much amazed you made it this far with that thing."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Alexander go stiff, like he was contemplating whether to attack Benjamin or not. Much to my relief, he knew better. He stayed in his spot.

"Good job, though, Madrigal. You have the two." Benjamin smiled, before turning his head and snapping his fingers.

From behind him, Kai appeared. I could have sworn that he was in control of himself at that moment, seeing the sudden flash of anxiety in his eyes. But I didn't want to assume. Look at where assuming got me last time.

"Get 'em. The others are waiting," Benjamin ordered.

Kai wavered in his spot. Perhaps if he stayed too long, Benjamin would notice that he wasn't under his control at the time. But then he started to move. I huddled closer to Kathleen and Madrigal. But what happened next was nothing that I was expecting.

He did not walk towards us, but instead, he walked towards Benjamin. He first looked like he wanted to talk about something, but then he raised his fist and brought it down on Benjamin's face in a blink of an eye.

He kept punching his face until he ended up sitting on top of Benjamin's stomach. The both of them grunted with every punch. The four of us were left shocked at what we were witnessing.

Then Kai lifted up his head to look at us. And in a silent, barely audible whisper, he said, "Go."

And with that, Alexander climbed the cart and pulled on his horse's reins, and we were off again.

Kathleen and I both looked back at the two boys we left in the middle of the street. I know Kai won't end up in a good shape for doing that. I could only wish him good luck.

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