Chapter 9 - Spoiling The Wedding

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Darkness's pov.

I got the same feeling I had during the time I was supposed to marry Alderp.

But this time I could feel something painful mixing in with my nervousness.

I just wished that Kazuma was able to move on after this and I also wished to have the strength to move on from him.

"Lalatina-sama come on now."

A maid guiding me through the altar called to me.

"Is there something wrong Lalatina-sama?"

"No nothing."

"I think you should be happy, it's your wedding day, this only happens once per lifetime."

"This isn't the first time I've walked on an altar anyways."

"Oh right, heard about your first marriage, maybe this one won't become a disaster like the last one."

Once I've walked through the altar, I waited for the noble that was supposed to marry me.

Looking at it he's late so I looked around.

I noticed all of the guests have something covering their faces.

Then I looked at the priest.

"Shush Darkness."

It's Eris-sama.

"What are you doing here?"

"Don't worry Kazuma had a plan."

Then the noble that wanted to marry came to the altar.

He's wearing a white robes with a white suit underneath.

Then suddenly.

"Megumin do it!"


Few hours before the wedding.

Kazuma's pov.

Kazuma's mansion

"So Ignis you couldn't remember anything about agreeing to a marriage proposal?"

"No, the only thing I remembered was that my daughter came home crying the other day and please call me father-in-law."

Ignis and I were discussing about what happened to Darkness.

I asked Megumin to look for everyone since I think this is going to need to everyone.

But wait what did Ignis said?

"What did you say?"

"I know my daughter loves you and you love her back, so I guess you can call me your father-in-law in advance even before your marriage."

Crap I don't think I could easily focus today.

"But I do remember seeing something bright ball before I woke up this morning, I have a banging headache and the whole mansion was busy."

It  must've been one of those holy relics Chris was talking about, but if there's one lying around here in Axel then why she haven't told us anything?

Megumin finally returned, luckily she's with Chris and the others.

She also came in with Wiz and Yunyun, I couldn't see Dust anywhere but I guess he's hanging out with his girlfriend.

"Father-in-law just give me a moment please."

I pulled Chris out of the group and brought her to my room upstairs.

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