Chapter 11 - The Hero and His Imouto

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Next day
Kazuma's pov.

"Is everyone ready?"

"Yes we're ready now Kazuma-san."
Aqua replied

"I think I packed everything from sleeping items to extra supplies and other stuff."
Megumin said.

"I think I packed what we need."

Darkness replied.

I checked on their bags.

Aqua packed lightly, might be her clothing only.

Megumin packed a lot, from pillows and her toy Chomosuke.

Same thing goes for Darkness.

"Uhm, why do my girlfriend have a lot of things packed in their bags?"

The two blushed.

"Well it's fine if you over packed some things for me, I mean we're going on a journey and after the last one, I guess packing other things isn't that bad."

The two just silently blushed and Smiled.

"Anyway let's get going now, we're going to teleport to the capital so bringing a lot of things is fine but is also unnecessary."

We left the mansion and went to the teleportation shop, waiting there is Mitsurugi.

I forgot, this morning, Mitsurugi wakes up right next to Aqua, let's just say nothing good happened, afterwards after Aqua locked herself in her room, Mitsurugi convinced me to let him join in.

I guess more people guarding the princess on her wedding or on her meeting with her fiance, the more safer she is.

I just can't believe that my little sister is getting married, though Claire told me that it's more preferable that I foiled the wedding.

But if Iris did like the prince, I guess I have no reason to.

As long as the prince can pass my expectations, I'll let him have my little sister.

I wonder what's Iris's reaction to me getting engaged with Darkness and Megumin.

Well if she's happy, I'm happy but if she isn't, I'll have to explain everything to her.

Anyway I'm getting out of topic here, we went inside the shop, wait why is Dust here?

"Yo Kazuma!

"Yo Dust, where are you going?"

"I'm taking a vacation to Elroad, how about you and your team?"

"Well I'm going to the capital, special request that came from royalty."

"Well goodluck with Iris anyway."

"Wait have you two met?"

"Yeah, she once strolled around here, wait that was supposed to be a secret."

"Well it's fine."

When we walked inside,the rest of Dust's party is there, looks like everyone is going to be vacationing in Elroad huh.

Then when Dust sees Mitsurugi, he acted hostile towards him or least he gave a hostile expression.

I guess these have a rivalry between them.

I also noticed Yunyun was with Dust, but Chris isn't with her.

I asked her about it.

"Hey Yunyun what are you doing here?"

"Uhm Kazuma-san, Chris-san said she got something to do here so she told to take a vacation, I decided to join Dust in his vacation to Elroad."

Well I guess I can't say anything about it.

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