Chapter 10 - Dual Date

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The next day.
Kazuma's pov

Just another peaceful day in Axel.

"There! There hit it there Darkness!"

"I can't hit that thing if you're standing close to the screen like that!"

When was it peaceful here?

Last night, the three of us were so lovestruck I thought today was gonna be different.

The two girls and I became officially engaged because of Darkness's father, my father-in-law as he got Megumin and I sign a marriage contract with Darkness.

I was too lovestruck I woke up earlier than my usual schedule hoping to go on a date with the two.

But last night, Aqua discovered the game console I've brought from the crimson demons and hid inside my room before we met the princess, this was because the two ladies and one Aqua were too addicted to playing it.

"Can you please quiet down a little bit, I'm a little bit sleepy here."

"Oh sorry Megumin."

"Come on Darkness! It's the final boss come on!"

"Hey I'm trying hard here."

Sigh, I don't want to disrupt their game time but I really want to go on a date with them.

I sat next to Megumin, she yawned at me.

"Good morning Kazuma."

"Good morning Megumin, did you played all night?"

"Yeah but I lost twice so now Darkness had to play, I'm just waiting for her to lose since Aqua couldn't even survive a single round."

Heh, expected from that useless goddess.

Oh right I thought about it, what would happen to Aqua once Darkness, Megumin and I gets married?

"Hey Megumin, I thought about it but what would happen to Aqua once the three of us gets married?"

"I don't know maybe hire her as our personal maid?"

"Yeah maybe that's the best option for her."

"Anyway do you have plans for today Kazuma? You looked awfully productive."

"I wanted to have a date with the two of you but it seem Darkness was enjoying the console so much today."

"That's it Darkness! Just one more hit and.'

"Yes! In your face you foul demon."

As she's celebrating the victory so much she accidentally crushed the controller on her hands.

Then the console suddenly shuts down.

"No Darkness!"

"What I'm sorry."

"Kazuma-san can you please looked at the console please pretty pretty please!"

Aqua wailed on the floor.

"Alright you two, I think the console is saying that you two should stop playing with it now."

"But Kazuma-san I haven't played that much!"

"Well I think Kazuma is right."

"Darkness don't you dare leave me here! You're the one who broke it!"

Aqua pulled on Darkness's hair on the ground.

Darkness retaliates by strangling Aqua.

"Hey! Stop it you two! Aqua quit whining!"

Konosuba- Explosive Love, A KazumaxMegumin And KazumaxDarkness FanficWhere stories live. Discover now