Chapter 13 - A Spark Between These Royals

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Kazuma's pov.

I woke up next to Megumin's sleeping face and Darkness who's hugging me so tight.

Oh god, I feel so tired.

Last night I carried these girls into my room in the hotel.

I wonder why I didn't feel the fatigue till after I let these two down on my bed.

God I was so tired I haven't even noticed I changed my clothes.

Wait if I changed my clothes, i wonder where did I put the rings?

I tried to loosen Darkness's hug from me to make sure I don't wake her up.

I checked my pockets and noticed the two boxes on my pockets.

That got nervous.

I let Darkness hug me tightly again and put my face closer to Megumin.

I kissed her forehead and she woke up.

"Oh, good morning Kazuma."

"Good morning Megumin."

She kissed me back.

Then Darkness also wakes up.

"Good morning Kazuma, good morning Megumin, we haven't done anything last night right?"

"Well I was too tired carrying you two so I don't know."

"Well even there's something that happened between us three it's fine right Kazuma?" Megumin asked.


Darkness stretched for a little bit.

Then she realized something.

"Wait what about Iris!?"

"I told you it's fine Darkness she knew about the three of us."

"Care to explain how first!?"

"Well, she overheard maids in the castle talking about it."

"Damn, I thought Claire silenced the maids."

"Shit, how did Iris reacts to it?"

"Well she said she was happy for us three and wanted to become the flower girl on our wedding."

"I see, well let's hope Claire and Rain will let her be the flower girl, Kazuma do you have something to say to us?" Megumin asked

Megumin's pov.

Kazuma thinks about it for a minute.

Come on Kazuma, propose to us.

"I don't think I have anything to say yet to you, least not at the moment."

Didn't he get the clue?

"Hey Megumin is something wrong? Why are you suddenly asking Kazuma some things?"

"No reason."

"Let's just get up and eat breakfast, today's the day we'll meet the prince."

"Just let me take a shower first, Megumin, Kazuma wait for me unless you also wanted to take a bath."

Kazuma's pov.

Darkness left the room, Megumin stayed behind.

It's like she really want to ask something to me but couldn't do it.

"Is something on your mind?"


"Come on spill it out."

Konosuba- Explosive Love, A KazumaxMegumin And KazumaxDarkness FanficWhere stories live. Discover now