Part I

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Bright wakes up at the same time, eats the same food, drives the same way, all to end up at the one place where nothing is the same.

He has always been the type to believe that change is inevitable and nothing is ever bound to stay the same. But that doesn't make going through change any easier and it definitely doesn't make the pain of change fade away any quicker.

Bright have had his fair share of change; from the time he went off to college to the time he and his family moved houses and all those other changes in between. Nothing could have prepared him for the change that happened when he was in his last year in college, though, by far the hardest time of his life thus far.

Admittedly, their relationship wasn't always the best. They fought quite often, most of them being caused by feelings of jealousy, and there were many days when they really couldn't stand to talk to each other. A lot of their friends constantly expressed their concern for their relationship, but Bright didn't think much of it at the time; that was just how they were and before he could even count the days properly, they were made up.

But now, he wishes he would have listened to them.

• • • • • • FLASHBACK • • • • •

• • • • • • FLASHBACK • • • • • •

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"I can't believe you. I go away for a week and then come back to find out that you f*cked some random girl at a party! I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

Win was livid. Win felt everything he rightfully should have, hurt, upset, betrayed. Bright recognized Win's feelings, he just didn't make as big of a deal of them as Win did.

"Babe, just calm down, alright? It's not like I fell in love with her. And besides, I barely remember it. It meant nothing. It was just some stupid thing I did that I won't do again." Bright replied.

"You're right, it was stupid and I know you won't do it again. I know because I won't let it happen again."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bright asked confusedly.

"We're done. It's over." Win said and left.

• • • • • • END OF FLASHBACK • • • • •

Bright tried to act nonchalant about the whole thing, but that turned out to be harder than he imagined. Some days were better than others, but none of it was never easy, at least not as easy as he wished it would have been. If only he could have gotten through that following months without feeling any pain or heartache, he wouldn't still be left with the guilt he has today.

Still, despite the change, he wakes at the same time and goes to school like he did when everything was normal. He can't completely avoid Win, as he sees him at school, but he can talk to him and at least pretend to be satisfied with how his life is. Win seems to have become happier during the months that have passed since their break-up, and as much as the sight of Win smiling at other people kills him, there isn't anything he can do about it.

There isn't anything he would do about it even if he could. He loves Win and as the saying goes, if you truly love someone, you have to be willing to let them go.

Too bad that saying doesn't tell you how to deal with the pain that follows.


A/N: Sawadee khrap! What do y'all think of Part I? I know it's really short but I hope you guys still like it. Don't worry tho because the next few updates will be a lil longer than this one. 😌

If you have any comments, suggestions or violent reactions, don't be shy and let me know. Also, don't forget to vote if you like/enjoy the story. 😘

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