Part IV

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The awkwardness that floats above them after that is anything but unpredictable. Some part of Bright wants to apologize and go back to the relationship before that night, but another part is telling him it's better this way because if they can't even bring up the past without arguing, how are they ever going to be able to move forward into the future? It's for this reason that Bright keeps even quieter than before and avoids Win altogether even though his heart, with everything it's got, is telling him not to.

Bright sits at his desk after another sleepless night, earbuds in, head down in between his bent arms, and back rising and falling steadily. Win walked in and saw this, the cuteness of it being the first thought that entered his mind and the reality of their situation being the second. So, after clearing his throat, he picked up his feet and walks over to the table, trying his absolute hardest not to look back at Bright.

Dew coming in and sitting next to him offered a distraction, even if it was only temporary.

"You aren't doing anything tonight, are you?" Dew asked.

"Not that I know of right now," Win replied. "Why?"

"Because I want you to hang out with me tonight," Dew said, the smile on his face eager and excited despite the fact that it's noon. Win blinked, he's not quite sure how to take the question let alone answer it. But he smiled and nodded anyway.

"Okay," Win answered. "Um, just text me where and what time."

"Cool!" Dew said with excitement. "This is gonna be so fun, I just know it!" Dew grinned in happiness while Win smiled and laughed with a completely different emotion: guilt.

Although he isn't sure why, Win's heart is beating faster than normal as Dew pulled his car into a parking spot in front of a restaurant. Dew's been nice to Win ever since he picked him up from his apartment about twenty minutes ago, yet he still hasn't been able to decipher whether this is a date or not. He knew it very well could be, but he also knew it very well it couldn't be and that he could be unconsciously hoping it is so that he can focus his mind on something other than Bright.

They walk in together and Dew slows down a bit as he looked at both sides of the restaurant, presumably looking for a table as Win thought. Dew suddenly let out a small "ah!" and begun walking faster again, leading Win over to table that already has someone, a guy, sitting at it. Baffled, Win watches as the two males greet each other happily, hugging one another for a moment or so.

"This is Win, my friend that I was telling you about," Dew said, stepping over to the side in order to introduce them.

"Oh, yeah!" The guy said, giving a bright and kind smile to Win. "It's so nice to meet you, Win! I'm Nani."

"Hi." Win said in reply, shaking hands with the other male.

"Nani is my boyfriend." Dew said, the words being brand new news to Win, who looked at Dew with widened eyes.

"Really?" Win asked and Dew nodded his head eagerly. "Wow, I...I never even knew you were seeing anyone. That's great."

"Yeah, it's only been about a couple of months, so I haven't made a huge effort to tell everyone, yet." Dew said, his hand now linked with Nani's. "It's the second time he's come to visit me, though. He's currently studying Economics in Thailand, but he wants to transfer here and so he wants to learn the language first."

"I'm not awful, but I'm not great either." Nani added in. "I'm improving, though. At least Dew tells me I am."

"Yeah, you must be." Win says as he nodded faintly, observing the two closely. A feeling comes over him as he does, a feeling he can't quite put a label on. Maybe it's sadness, disappointment, or envy even. But it doesn't feel as heavy on his heart as they would. It feels...light, relieving almost, which is ultimately what made him shook his head and say, "You know, I'd really love to stay and hang out, but I have somewhere I need to be that I just remembered. I'm really sorry."

"Oh, it's okay," Nani said, nodding despite the little surprise. "I'm here for two weeks, so we can hang out another time."

"Yeah, another time." Win replied, smiling and nodding before turning to Dew and apologizing once more. Win left the restaurant and begun running down the street under the setting sun with one destination on mind.


A/N: Hey, hey, hey! Are y'all surprised with DewNani? Or is it NaniDew? What do you guys think will happen to Win and Bright? 🤔

Also, as I've mentioned before, this story is a short one and since my previous story ended on Part V, I also plan to end this story on Part V. So, please look forward to the next part.

If you have any comments, suggestions or violent reactions, don't be shy and let me know. Also, don't forget to VOTE if you like/enjoy the story. 😘

Photos of Dew and Nani. They look so good together 😍 #DewNani #NaniDew

 They look so good together 😍 #DewNani #NaniDew

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