Part V (Last Part)

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Win pierces the door with a thundering yet not overly loud knock as soon as he's close enough to it. He waited there in front of the room door with his heart pounding rapidly and colliding with his chest about ten times a minute. After a minute, he heard footsteps.

Furrowing and then cocking his eyebrows, Bright opens up the door fully, "What are you doing here?"

"It's actually a super long and complicated story, but I'll give you the short part." Win started to say, waving his hands around a little, which made Bright even more confused about what's going on.

"I was out with Dew, right, and he took me to this restaurant to meet this guy he's been seeing for the past months and like we were going to eat together, the three of us, but something happened and I left to come here." Win said, unceasingly.

W-What? Dew has a boyfriend? I got jealous for nothing. Bright thought to himself. Stupid.

"Okay..." Bright said in a stretched-out voice, his eyes narrowed a bit. "And I presume that has something to do with me?"

"Yes, it has everything to do with you," Win said. "While I was watching them interact, I remembered how we used to be like and then I thought about what you said earlier about me not giving you a chance to redeem yourself and then I don't know I just..." he closed his eyes and exhales, looking into Bright's eyes when he opened them again.

"I realized how stupid I was for not giving you enough time to explain yourself or to make it up to me. I was just so mad and hurt and I felt betrayed by you. Part of me still does feel all those things, but the way I handled everything wasn't right either. You're not the only one who fucked up, Bright. I did too, it just... it took me a while to admit that."

Bright can't help but feel touched by Win's words, but he doesn't let it show just yet.

"That's great and all," Bright said, "but what does that mean? You want me to forgive you, you want me to forgive you so you can forgive yourself? What does it mean?"

"Yeah, part of it does. I want you to forgive me for not giving you a chance, for letting go so easily. But it also means that I want to give you and me, this time, a chance... I want to give us, a second chance, a redo." Win said, wholeheartedly.

"Huh?" Bright asked, letting free a huff of air that comes off as a chuckle. "A redo?" He ends up laughing to himself and shaking his head in an effort to disguise how elated and overjoyed he's actually feeling inside.

"Yeah," Win said slowly, his hands now folded together. "Is that okay with you or do you hate me too much?"

Exhaling slightly, Bright allowed a faint smile to curl onto his lips as he replied with, "I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda mad at you right now, but I guess that redo will make up for that."

Win chortles a bit and smiles at Bright before taking one of Bright's hands in his.

"I love you, Win." Bright said as he lean closer to give Win a kiss, their first kiss after getting back together.

"I love you too... Vachie." Win teasingly responds after the kiss.

"Ugh, I told you not call me that." Bright said with a pout as he snaked his arms around Win's waist to pull him closer with no intention of letting him go so easily this time.

" Bright said with a pout as he snaked his arms around Win's waist to pull him closer with no intention of letting him go so easily this time

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"Sometimes, all you need is a second chance, because time wasn't ready for the first one

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"Sometimes, all you need is a second chance, because time wasn't ready for the first one."

The End.

Author's Note:

What do y'all think of the ending? Are you satisfied with it? Or do y'all want more?

Hope you guys enjoy reading my second BrightWin AU. I really enjoyed writing this one. Also, I don't know if y'all have noticed, but I only write short stories. I could make it longer and more detailed if I wanted to, but with all the academic requirements and work-related stuff that I have to do, I choose to write my stories short instead. Plus, I'm kinda lazy. 😅

Anyway, I'm in the process of writing new BrightWin stories. I'll probably publish my 3rd story in late October or in early November. So, please look forward to it.

With that said, thank you so much for reading A Second Chance. I love y'all. Till next time. 🥰

Let me know if you have any comments, suggestions or violent reactions, Also, please don't forget to VOTE and/or FOLLOW me here (@The25thSun) or on Twitter (@WIN_terIsComing) if you like/enjoy the story.

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