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Experiment results :Success

Subject 09 has been confirmed stages 

 fletching vampire and wolf Cub 25% - half  vampire and werewolf 50% - Ghoul 90%-Primogenitor Vampire and Alpha werewolf complete 100%.


blood consumption:

He can digest blood from his fangs

Blood empowerment:

Once Izuku digests blood he gets a massive boost in power or if he's out of power just by digesting blood all his power comes back in 10 seconds along with the boost.

Blood flow vision and attraction:

Izuku can see someones blood flow or he can sniff out a certain someone just by sniffing their blood once their scent is memorised in his mind


Izuku can heal any wound but it takes at least 20 seconds for small wounds and a minimum of 5 minutes to heal large ones.

Blood manipulation:

Izuku can create, shape and manipulate his own blood or blood made from nothing 


Izuku can turn into any animal and increase it's size or it's abilities.

Enhanced physiology:

Izuku has super speed, strength ,sight , reflexes and reflexes he also can harden any body part and he has night vision.

Blood healing

Izuku has an ability to heal another just by simply biting their neck his fangs release a powerful toxin that heals all injuries but the process puts the patient in a coma till it's done healing him or her

weather manipulation:

izuku can control the weather and more 

Hypnotism and mind control :

Izuku can hypnotise people and control their minds but he needs to look them in the eye.

Telekenisis(at green tornados level from one piece)

to manipulate matter with his mind

Bond of blood and a hidden effect:

When Izuku bites a female she gets extremely horny Izuku however receives a familiar (monsters bonded to his soul)once he uses a familiar a certain change happens to his right hand different marks and colors plus the familiars abilities become Izukus own powers .

Werewolf gifts

Izuku can become half wolf where he has a long , thick extremely soft , warm and fluffy tail he also gains fluffy and soft werewolf ears.Or he goes into his werewolf form which is extremely powerful he can also become a normal wolf which is large , normal or plushy sized the only down fall is that he can't use his vampire powers but thankfully he gets spirit and aura manipulation so it's all good for him.


A bit of back story 

Izuku was once loved ,now he was unloved, he was kidnapped ,experimented on  and on the day he broke out he ran into a forest he was found by the pussycats they raised him the female members of the team got crushes on him and then to seal the deal he bit their neck earning one familiar , a large boost in power, three girls taking away his virginity .

first girlfriends



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Pixie bob

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Pixie bob

Izuku vampire form

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Izuku vampire form

Izuku vampire form

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