Hello, goodbye and see you never

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Izuku Yagi and his sister Izumi Yagi sat beside each other holding hands and thinking of how their quirks would be they weren't to different from when they were born no they were the same togethor and never apart thats how it's always been .Inko Yagi sat beside her children smiling at their antics and then without warning the doctor came in the room he sat on his chair with a emotionless face ."mrs yagi what news would you like to hear first the good or bad"he asked nonchalant

Inko"the bad please"

Doctor "okay well Izuku Yagi is quirkless but the reason as to why isn't good you see he doesn't have long i estimate that he'll live for about 5 more years but that's all you see his body was infected by a toxin from either you or your husband and that toxin was absorbed by your son it went to his brain and bones and in these next few years his blood stream will wither up and stop moving , his bones will all break till their nothing but dust and all his muscles no every system the human body has will slowly be destroyed the pain is one not even an aesthetic could help with or even tranquilliser darts.

Izuku was devastated not only was he quirkless he was dying but maybe just maybe he could still be happy with his family right at least they would be there for him to hold his hand when he was afraid to tell him it would be alright to not cry right that he could still be a hero RIGHT.

At home

Izuku sat there watching on his mothers laptop with nothing but himself tears just kept falling how long did he have to admire his favourite hero he was sure it wasn't alot of time how would he break it to his friends .Izuku knew his mother and farther were behind him so he just turned with teary eyes and asked"mamma pappa can i still be a hero "he asked his life needed to hear a yes maybe then he could fight death but the world wasn't on board"no you can't become a hero the people with weak quirks let alone no quirk would only be a liability in battle but you your worse your dying you would be less than useless as a hero do you know what Izuku stop thinking you can be hero you can't do shit anymore your nothing so quit holding onto hope it's all useless and don't think you can fight death it's impossible "those words destroyed Izuku his own farther had literally told him he was nothing and that he should just die he looked to his mother for support but she simply turned .This was it this was the beginning of his life and this was how it'll always be Izuku was alone it was just him , himself and nobody else . Izumi had heard her parents and was enraged the doctor had told her parents that izumi had a stockpile quirk and that made her gain all the attention she was happy of course but her parents what they did to Izuku she looked at her brother he wouldn't be with her for long she was gonna lose the person she loved most the person she would die for the person she promised herself to grow up with , to date , to marry , to have a family and die together now it was all shattered .Izuku was in bed he had been crying till 2 in the morning the door suddenly opened he looked and saw someone his sister she walked to him"can i sleep with you izu"she asked he nodded she got in bed with him Izuku wrapped his arms around his little sister "i don't i can't "she said he knew his sister and he knew she was hurting the news about him dying affected her greatly so Izuku did the only thing he could it was something she loved the most from him he sang her a song one she would cherish forever.

she cried through out his song his voice one she cherished , his soft hands and how they never ever hurt her , his kindness everything it's what made both her and her friends fall in love with him so why was it written in stone that he had to suffer why was it him Izuku finished his song and told his sister something she'll never forget"Mum and dad you heard them right well they can see i am crazy or stupid even useless but there is one thing that will never change i will give my everything to become a hero one the world looks up to the one kids like me who are quirkless or dying can see and give it their all to survive and i know they can do it because unlike our family i will tell them i will say it no matter however it be big or small you can do it you can be a hero and i will be there to support and to watch you "why was it him that had to suffer the best and kindest oni chan in the world the greatest hero she had ever known.

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