A first day a first impression and listening to his angel

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Izuku and his uncle aizawa had gone to UA for Izukus first day as he arrived he had a talk with his brother in arms Nezu , had a flirting session with midnight in which she nearly fainted from and finally he explained to his teachers that he was technically in between life and death and that he doesn't have a quirk but is a monster now he's on his way to class ready for the first day of UA.As Izuku stood outside his classroom he could hear Katsumi and Katsuki fighting with the boy who wore glasses and using mind reading Izuku knew his name Tenya Iida so Izuku took a breath and walked in .Everyone turned their heads to me looking at the boy who stole narutos signature move."greetings im tenya Iida"Tenya said to Izuku who stopped Iida from further explanation"I know i have mind reading anyway i'm Izuku"Izuku said as the group he hated more than anyone turned to face him they stood up and walked to him and stopped once they were face to face .Izuku was about to say something else till he felt the presence of a bitch so he side stepped and Uraraka came in flying and hitting katsumis flat as board chest.Then Izuku felt another presence that came and hugged his back he turned to look at her and he smiled"hey sakura didn't know you were here"Izuku said smiling at her as she pouted"yesterday you called me Saiki and i only let one boy call me that so who really are you and don't even think about lying "she said as Katsuki was glaring at izuku who smirked at his jealousy "well then my name is Izuku yagi prince of darkness beast and master of the moob i am here "Izuku said as they went wide eye "now then Katsuki and Shoto yesterday I kissed Sakura on the lips and healed her leg meaning she's mine "izuku said as the two got pissed"DEEEKKKUUUU"they shouted as they charged at Izuku Shoto was about to touch Izuku with his his hand to freeze him but Izuku smirked and tore Shotos arm off making the guy scream in agony on the floor with tears .Everyone was visibly shaking at this .Katsuki blasted his way to Izuku about to blow his face off but in that second Katsukis head was in a wall and Izukus hands were on the assholes face "try to hurt me again and i'll kill you"Izuku said as they stared in fear at him"oh your afraid huh well then i should tell you i'm half vampire and half were wolf meaning i'm a monster "Izuku said as they all nearly shit theme selves Shoto was bleeding out and Izuku was smiling then he was hugged from behind he looked back and saw Sakura , Izumi and Katsumi begging him "please stop Ichan""Izu please help my brother for me ""onii chan forgive us "the three said as Izuku turned he smiled softly and karate chopped Izumi and Katsumis heads"hehe forgiveness huh you have to earn it understand "he said as they nodded smiling and Izuku petted their heads as they sunk into his soft hands he turned to Sakura and kissed her lips "don't cry i'll help him"Izuku said wiping away the tears from Sakuras face he walked to Shoto Izuku made his finger nails into a claw and slit his wrist shocking everyone he then dripped some blood on Shotos face and it turned into a substance like fairy dust soon shotos arm was back and better then ever."okay uncle were ready"izuku said as Aizawa stood up from in his caterpillar outfit "WHAT THE IT CAN TALK"shouted Kaminari "now then everyone introduce yourself then meet me outside in your PE clothes"Aizawa said as they did as told .

Skip the intros and in the locker room

Izuku was getting changed when all of a sudden Shoto and Katsuki smashed his locker "DEKU"Katsuki shouted grabbing Izuku by his colar"yo "Izuku replied with a smile as he grew a long, fluffy ,soft and smooth tail and fluffy ears on top of his head ."your disgusting a creature from hell a demon so leave our sister alone in fact leave everyone alone and die you monster"Shoto said Izuku has been called a monster a few times by strangers he acts like he doesn't care but in truth it hurts alot because he was alone in a world filled with humans sure he could live forever and make other leave forever as well but who would want that he would be alone for eternity and no one can understand that so maybe they were right he really is a monster. Izuku smirked and slapped their hands awy"monster huh well then come near this monster again and he'll kill you"izuku said as he took his shirt off revealing a chinese dragon tatoo that covered his entire right arm 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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