Rascal meets a curious girl

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Izuku had woken up early in the morning he had gone for a job and he did some swimming in the lake nearby the he wen't home had a shower and had eaten breakfast with little Kota.Aizawa had come to the house of the pussycats to pick up Izuku

Aizawa: hey problem child you ready 

Izuku:yep and here i got your pillow 

Aizawa smirking:great lets go 

and with that the two left but not before Aizawa hooked up the live feed of everything that would happen in the exam to the pussy cats tv so they could see their Izuku and all his progress.

Meanwhile with the Yagis

izumi: todays the UA exam come on dad

I said as my farther Toshinori better known as all might ran to me smiling "you got this sweetie"he said hugging me i smiled and hugged back and with that we left on our way to the UA academy we met up with the bakugo twins and todoroki twins. I tried talking with Sakura but when she heard about how my farther thought of Izuku and how he and my mum acted towards him for something he couldn't control she began steering clear of us ignoring us.But it was all good finally we made it I began looking at the outside of the building it was so cool until.


I ran into someone and fell to the ground I looked up and he was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen his white hair even more snow like than Shotos and his crimson eyes were the color of blood his facial features everything they were dreamy.

Izuku Pov

I made it to UA apparently my uncle couldn't walk with me he had to go to the teachers lounge man i miss my friend Nezu and I can't wait to speak with him again .I wasn't paying attention to where i was going and then i tripped i was about to fly when i felt something wrap around my waist stopping my fall it lifted me onto my feet it was a tentacle . I looked to where it came from and saw a boy with black hair and a sheepish expression , another boy with the old Mickey mouses face but the eyes were blue and he had blonde hair supporting a smile that looked like all mights and honestly i have no problem with the guy but i feel like Detroit smashing his face now, and finally a girl with periwinkle hair , light blue eyes, she had a nice pair of smooth criminals up top and her legs were fine not pussycats fine but still fine all in all she was gorgeous anyway what gained my attention the most was there uniform.

?????:hey are you alright you nearly fell and everyone knows it's bad luck to trip on your first day

the blondie said 

Izuku: Right thanks for the warning but i'm fine and  thank you for the help

????:n-no p-p-problem

the guy who saved me said shyly thats when they girl came up to me and began asking questions

????:hey hey hey whys your hair white ,whys your eyes red, whats your quirk , where you from , whats your name and are you single 

upon the last question the two guys looked at her shocked while she blushed like she never meant to ask the last question then the blondie tried dragging her away to which she began fighting back making the two guys start struggling to drag her away the scene attracted the attention of the people and I just stared then began laughing gaining their attention .

Izuku: well here goes my hair is white and my eyes are red because i'm not human not anymore ,i have no quirk but i'm half vampire and werewolf, i'm from around here , my name is Izuku Yagi and no i'm not single but apparently my girlfriends let me date other girls just as long as they meet them first and before you ask i'm not a playboy nor do i think woman as objects that i can use and throw away i only have respect for females and i whole heartedly treat any girl who is in a relationship with me or isn't with me like a princess

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