The Yagis and Izukus new life

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The yagis were enjoying theme selves that day they noticed how Izuku hadn't come home in a while and Inko grew worried along with Izumi the only one who didn't care was his farther Toshinori since Toshinori the bastard didn't even notice the man did love his son well not alot anymore since he loves his wife and daughter alot more .Izumi was lying on her mothers lap and then all of a sudden the channel they were on vanished and was replaced with an odd display there was a small white mouse the principle of UA"hmm whats Nezu doing there is he in a movie"Inko asked"no he isn't what is this"they then got there answer like a slap to the face the mouse looking creature had said an all to familiar name"Izuku".The families eyes opened wide they looked at Izuku the state he was in everything and they couldn't take it he was he was literally gone they didn't know Izuku had disappeared no one did they thought he was in his room but he wasn't "what happened to my baby Izuku"Inko said as she stared at her son izumi was crying on the floor all of a sudden her friends came out Izumis room since she was gone for a while they looked at the Tv and saw the family crying"cool what you watching"Katsumi asked"yead and whats that kid he looks messed up what a freak"Katsuki said (i hate you katsuki)."hey Izumi whats the matter"sakura todoroki asked as she went to Izumi she looked at the screen again that boy looked familiar to familiar "Sakura it's it's my oni chan"Izumi said crying and hugging her friends "theres no way he's in his room right"Katsuki said as he ran to Izukus room and shouting his name but no response katsuki opened the door and Izuku wasn't in their he walked slowly in to the living room and fell to his knees with his hand over his mouth"my god"Shoto said as he went to his knees the family watched it go by and so did the friends that day tears left their eyes and they didn't stop.

The next day the group of friends went to school and sat in class they couldn't help but notice how everyone was laughing and smirking they looked at izukus desk and could only feel heartbreak .The teacher came in and started class "okay stude-"but he was interrupted by Sakura who got up and walked to the back of the class "excuse me miss sakura what are you doing "the teacher asked as she looked by expressionless"im sitting at Izukus desk"she said as he nodded sakura sat there but Izukus desk was weird it was how so you say to clean and slippery. The day went by and the teacher just sat on his desk as the class spoke Sakura kept looking at Izuku desk Izumi who was sitting on it just asked her friend"whats wrong saky"she asked using her friends nickname .sakura then got up and lightly pushed Izumi who completely fell of the desk "what the Sakura what are you doi-"but Katsumi stopped talking when she noticed something about the table it wasn't like the others "hey guys look"she said as she flipped the table and below it was the sticker with a price on it meaning it was new so that led to the questions where is Izukus desk"excuse me sir where my brothers desk"Izumi asked as the teacher looked at her and smirked "look in the closet "he said as she nodded Izumi got to the closet and opened it but when she saw his desk she screamed "IZUMI WHAT THE HELL"Katsuki yelled as he walked to her looking at the table and then he grew pissed off and punched the wall "come look guys"he said as the group walked to them they looked at the desk and had different reactions

katsumi held her hand over her mouth 

shoto and katsuki secretly smiled but hid it as fast as it came 

Sakura she cried and hugged izumi 

Izumi:who did this

she asked as the class all smiled 

class :us 

teacher :I did the your all alone and no one like you part nice touch huh and i did it in big letters so he gets the message.

The group well the girls looked at everyone shocked so Izuku was suffering everyday and instead of supporting him they just hurt him.Izumi and her girls ran to the bathroom and cried calling their parents telling them everything and lets just say

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