In Vogue In Vegas...

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Five hours later, we finally arrive at The Imperator Hotel in Las Vegas! The girls have opted to drive there for the sheer love of road trip, werewolf style. I hate that, but I love Vegas! This year Veronica and I have decided to include Kate. It is her first trip to Vegas and she's just turned 22! Yeah! 

Within a few minutes, we are standing at the check-in counter getting the keys to our penthouse suite! The Imperator Hotel is a hotel and casino owned and run by werewolves. So naturally, it is the hotel of choice for most werewolves on the west coast and those coming from different states for conventions and big parties like the annual Awakening of Love and Mate Acknowledgment or ALMA Receptions and the Lunar Mating Reception. The Lunar Mating Reception (or LMR) is said to be attended by very wealthy older gentlemen wolves with fat wallets. I know I said I didn't care about finding a mate but don't mind if I do partake in the cash...

Veronica's voice interrupts my train of thought. "Guys let's get to our penthouse suite and get comfy! I got a text from the other crew... they are arriving soon... let's get busy!"

Veronica's melodramatic brother John was kind enough to treat us girls to our little trip to Vegas by paying for our accommodation! How kind of him! Why? Very simple really! His mate Kate was traveling with us and he only wants the best for her. Secretly, she is really there to spy on Veronica and me, to keep an eye on us! I can smell a snitch werewolf when I meet one. 

At this point, you might be thinking there is a confusion with John's identity! It's quite simple actually! My friend Veronica's brother, John, is Kate's husband/mate and in a strange twist of fate, Kate happens to have a brother named John as well! Both males are equally the most melodramatic wolves I have ever met! 

The penthouse suite is on the 27th floor and it is absolutely spectacular! Right up my alley! It has 5 bedrooms, a private hot sauna, a jacuzzi, and everything else we could have dreamed of! The perfect party venue!

"Girls! We each get to have our own private bedroom! Yeah!!!!" Veronica is already on fire... as she's stationed herself at the private bar.

After changing, we've made our way back down to the lobby waiting for Dani and Claudia. These two girls are twin sisters and two of our favorite friends. They are from the Capistrano Red Blood pack somewhere in San Diego.

The Latina werewolves look like something out of a Jennifer Lopez music video!

"Hey girls! So good to see you again!"

Their make-up is on point and they smell great! Of course, they smell great! They flew to Vegas. We've decided to drive and arrive here looking and smelling like roadkill!

"Darlings! There's been a misunderstanding over our plan!" Dani looks at us and says without hesitation. "We're going to the hottest club in sin city, not the Saturday night farmer's market!" the twins blast in unison.

"Do they always talk like that?" Kate asks, turning her head slightly towards Veronica.

"Not always! But let's go change real quick..."

"Dani, Claudia, we were just waiting for you in the lobby so we can change and refresh before heading to the club. Care to come with us upstairs?" Veronica turns past me and whispers, "I'm not about to let them out-stage me! I don't want them looking better than all 3 of us this year..."

"Gotcha..." I murmur back as we make our way to the elevators. After a few minutes of hesitations, the twins opt to stop by their favorite store somewhere on the second floor. Kate, Veronica, and I take their carry-ons with us and arrive at the penthouse with a new mission: dress-to-kill the twins! Game on!

30 minutes later, we are all staring at each other in the lounge room, nodding in approval.

"Every single one of us is looking quite impressive! Snapping hard I see!" 

Yes. the twins have screamed those words in unison again!

"To Club Zen!" Kate adds and we all burst into laughter.

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