Chapter 8

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Hinata awakes to the sound of a soft voice humming in the early morning. She looks over to see her little sister with a measuring tape used for fittings and is taking down numbers.

"Hanabi what are you doing?" Hinata asked confused and still a little drowsy from having just woken up.

Hanabi smiled largely "I am measuring you for your wedding dress!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Hanabi" Neji walks in drinking some tea "It's time for breakfast come on you two."

"Thank you Neji but I am not hungry," Hinata said lightly getting out of bed checking the time making sure she had time to get ready for work.

"Come, on sis! you need to eat something so we can go over the wedding details." Hanabi says jumping around the woman.

"Hanabi, who told you I was getting married? Because I am not, there is no wedding," she said walking into her closet picking her outfit for the day.

"But father said that you and Toneri announced your engagement. I mean a little hurt you didn't tell me about Toneri. I also thought there was something between you and that Naruto guy but-"

Hinata cut her off "nothing happened between us... nor will it ever happen"

Hanabi was caught off with the snappiness in her voice. 

Hinata picked up on it feeling bad she lashed out at her "I'm sorry" she pulls her sister into a light hug "I did not agree to the engagement with Toneri."

Neji who was still standing at the doorway had his arms crossed "I have worked with him a few times going over some different computer systems that their labs could use. He's a bit of an odd one, not a fan of him if you ask me."

The youngest Hyuga rolls her eyes "Neji, you never like any of the guys Hinata or I date... mainly me so, your opinion in this is irrelevant."

Neji held his stern glare with her "Stop bring home losers every time."

"Hey, no bickering you two," Hinata said catching their attention as she took a seat on her bed. "Why does father keep pushing this guy on me to marry?"

Suddenly there was a light cough from behind Neji.

"Father," Hanabi said not expecting him to be there.

"You two go get breakfast, I need to speak with Hinata alone for a bit." He said.

He made his way in sitting next to her not saying a word.

Hinata felt guilty like she got caught saying something she shouldn't. "I'm sorry father.... but you know this isn't how marriage works right?" she looks over at him "I mean you know that you had mother. I knew how much love you had for each other so why are you so for me to marry Toneri?"

"Hinata," he said softly yet with power "I didn't meet her until the day of our wedding."


"Your mother and I had an arranged marriage, just like this one. It was more of a business deal than anything and we didn't have a say in it. It wasn't easy, we couldn't even look at each other when we met that day. She was in love with another man and I honestly wanted nothing to do with her. Well, one day I got terribly sick they didn't think I would make it.... but your mother." he smiled lightly "your mother stayed by my side, nursing me back to health. For the first time, I appreciated her. Then that appreciation grew to respect and from respect to love. It was a deeper love than we could have ever hoped for. That love brought us you and Hanabi, we held onto to each other till the very end."

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