Chapter 26. White balance.

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It was a beautiful, yet chilly day in late October. It had snowed overnight, and Victoria Park was covered in a light dusting of white.
It was unusual for this time of year, but so pretty.
It made a change to the constant downpour that was indicative of October. 

Cadence was pacing backwards and forwards, for more reasons that one.
It held off the biting cold, and almost contained her jittering nerves.
Marcus should arrive any minute.
Cadence's insides were burning with anticipation, fear, and possibly lust.

There was always a seed of doubt in her belly, and it had festered over time.
Did he still want to be with her? His emails hadn't told her otherwise.
But just like a blind date, she feared he would not like what he saw, and walk away.

Cadence pulled out her phone, to check the time and for any missed messages.
Suddenly, a movement in her peripheral vision caught her eye.

Marcus stood about thirty feet away. Even at such a distance, Cadence knew it was him.
The cold air froze her lungs, as they took each other in.

Cadence had to close the distance between them.
It was hard to make the first step, but before she knew it, she was running. Running to his musky scent, his soft hair, his rough stubble, his safe embrace.
Some things faded over time, but those memories could never be forgotten.

When she was only a few feet away, Cadence leaped. Wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.
Marcus caught her in his powerful arms, anticipating her move.

Cadence couldn't believe he was really here.
She stared into his face, recommitting it into her memory.
His grey eyes sparkled, reflecting the sunlight bouncing off the snow.
His hair was just like she remembered, soft like velvet.
His scent was as intoxicating as always, but his frame felt different. Maybe it was all in her head, but he seemed bigger.

"Hey beautiful." Marcus whispered to his guardian angel.

The thought of her had kept him company through so many lonely nights.
When prison gangs wanted favours or recruits, the image of her in his mind kept him clean.
It hadn't made him very popular, but Marcus had known how to get his point across.
His reputation had proceeded him, and only the the idiots tested him.
He was left alone mostly, with copies of her emails and the occasional picture.

It was amazing to see the change in her.
Cadence was healthy and well fed, at last.
She wasn't boney and pale anymore, but soft and vibrant.
And she was as strong physically as she had been mentally. Her grip was vice-like around his neck.
Her fragrance drifted to his nose, filling him with comfort and something more carnal.
She smelled even more fragrant then before, but that was probably as she had access to stuff like shampoo and body lotion.
The scent of coconut and Shea butter mixed with her already wonderful aroma.

Those two words were all Cadence needed to hear.
Her lips touched his, begging to remember.
It started gentle, but soon she was pouring everything she had into it. All the heartbreak, the loss, the freedom, the joyous reunion.
Marcus was doing the same.

Her grip on him was so tight that he didn't need to hold Cadence up.
His hands ran down her back to caress her behind. Marcus gave it a firm squeeze, before he groaned into her mouth.

"Can we go? I don't want to be arrested for indecent exposure." He said, looking at her with a smile.

Cadence unhooked her legs and slid slowly down his front. She felt the delicious bulge in his trousers on her decent.

"Luckily, I'm parked nearby." Cadence smiled at him, as she took him by the hand.

The drive back to the McKenna house was quiet, yet the air was loaded with electricity.
Cadence's mind had never felt so at ease, as they made idle small talk.
They had already shared so much via email, that there wasn't much else to tell.
Her body however itched to tell another story. Sparks and tingles etched the skin all over.

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