Chapter 35. Image resolution.

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The next morning, Cadence awoke to find herself in bed. She thought she had cried herself to sleep on the sofa.
Maybe it had all been a bad dream?
She rolled over, but found Marcus absent.
He must have come back, surely. She didn't sleepwalk up here.

She got up to dress and wash.
In the bathroom mirror, she could see yesterday's makeup had been spread by her tears.
Dark streaks and smudges stained her cheeks.
It was a stark reminder that last night had indeed happened.

Once Cadence looked more human, she quietly crept down the stairs.
Would there be a note left on the table like before, or had he given up all forms of goodbyes?

Cay was surprised to find Marcus sat at the kitchen table. She stopped suddenly, expecting some hateful words or rude gesture.

"Morning." He muttered quietly into his mug of tea.

Cay slowly took the seat opposite him, unsure of his actions.
Her eyes flickered between him and the surface of the table.
The tension in the air was thick like treacle.
Cadence had no idea what to say to make it better.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, hoping he wouldn't run for the door.

"Don't." He replied gently. "I got Sarah's version of events after I left."

Cadence could only stare at him. What did she say? She hoped that Sarah hadn't lied.
Cay's stomach plummeted down suddenly, leaving her breathless.

"You we're asleep." He shrugged. "I shouldn't be angry at you."

"You believe me?" Cadence whispered.
So Sarah did tell the truth. Thank god for that!
Her stomach returned, but its journey had made her queasy.

"It doesn't change the fact that this hurts like hell." Marcus talked into his mug.

"What can I do to make it better?" Cadence begged, suddenly spotting the the light at the end of the tunnel.
Tears pooled in her eyes again.

"Nothing really, just time. Are you going to press charges?" He sighed, as his eyes finally met hers.

Cadence shook her head.

"What she did was out of some crazy obsession. I don't think she wanted to hurt me." She replied, her eyes falling back down to the table.

Marcus got up and walked to the kettle.
He poured boiling water and milk into a mug waiting on the counter.
He turned and carried the mug back to the table, placing it in front of her.

"Really? I'd throw her to the wolves, but it's not up to me. It's your choice.
I doubt we'll see her again, anyway. I made sure Jay heard the whole thing." He said, before taking his seat again.

Cadence clasped her hands around the warm mug. It was comforting somehow. Maybe her mum was right about her tea and sympathy idea.

"Is Jay angry at me?" Cadence asked quietly.

"Not likely. I hung up after I heard her excuses though." Marcus scoffed.

"Okay." It was the only word Cadence could muster.

She was glad Marcus didn't seem angry with her, but it didn't ease the palpable tension.

Cadence wanted nothing more than to climb onto his lap. She wanted to feel the comfort of his powerful arms, but something held her back. She got the impression he didn't want her to, which wasn't surprising.

"We best pack up. We have to check out by ten." He said as he stood, ending the conversation.

They packed away their stuff in silence, and placed the bags into Marcus's car.
Cadence had taken her seat on the passenger's side, while Marcus returned the cottage keys to reception.

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