The One Thing: 2D

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Warnings: Y/N with a glass eye, mentions of alcohol, it's a little short sorry
2D X Reader (They/Them)
~3rd Person Point of View~

Y/N and 2D have been together for quite awhile, much to the Band's- or Murdoc's- discomfort. While he didn't hold romantic feelings towards them, because that's just cliche and this isn't some some fanfiction, he just wasn't used to a 'free loader' in his studio as he called it. So he hired them as a background vocalist or to just help with their marketing, like a secretary basically.

The job wasn't so bad, as long as Y/N wasn't being all sappy with 2D during 'work hours'. Today just so happened to be free for Y/N and the Gorillaz band so they hung out with 2D in his room. The two were chatting about some show Y/N's been obsessed with for awhile when the topic suddenly shifted to their eyes, how they got there they don't know. "I like your eyes, they're so pretty" 2D stared into their E/C eyes lovingly. "Hold on love, you got somethin'-" he reached over to brush something out of it, probably an eyelash.

"It's not real?!" He practically yelled for the entire continent to hear, shifting away and fidgeting with his hands like he would in certain moments, maybe he thought he just committed an act of absolute horror or something by popping the eye out on accident. "Of course it isn't, silly!" Y/N giggled as they went to pick up the prosthetic piece, "Awe you got dust on it! That's okay, I like cleaning it" they piped up as they brushed off what they could for the time being. "H-How did you..." 2D trailed off, but before he could pick up Y/N beat him to it "Lose it? It's a pretty crazy story actually." They shrugged.

"I'm listening."

"So in high school I decided I'd might as well go to a party at a very very sh*t teacher's house. I swear everyone was there and drinking like there were doctor's coming to saw our legs off  if we didn't. So I obviously joined in and drank a few too many cups..." They laughed as they remembered that night

"Long story short all I heard was something something Police and I yelled randomly 'F*ck the police!' I started a little trend then and we ran for it once they got there. All I remember was stopping up a fence thinking 'I've never climbed a fence that high before!' Then I woke up in a hospital room and they told me I basically scraped and poked it out on the fence." 2D just stared in either disbelief, concern, or both. His pitch black eyes staring into the equally dark abyss of the missing eye of Y/N.

"You're crazy" he finally spoke with a chuckle. "I do believe someone here is in a band after getting his eyes knocked around too" They joked, D taking this chance to take a pout as the two spent the rest of the day together.

Leaning back against the wall of the blue haired male's room, Y/N's back starting to ache as they stayed in that position for quite awhile. "I think that's the one thing I did that was so crazy in high school my family had to transfer me somewhere else." Their eye half-lidded with a smile. "That's when I met you"

By the suggestion of a certain azure-haired male Y/N thought to maybe not wear the prosthetic around Kong, maybe during concerts yes but not in a safe and familiar environment. Plus they'd get the chance to freak out the band members for a few seconds. Sure, it's noticeable that their eye never exactly moved but with all of the wacky characters in Kong Studios it was just labeled a lazy eye and never questioned. The idea of a prank sure did spark some interest in Y/N too...

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