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☆ no warnings !

- authors note : the ring mentioned isn't meant to be any type of engagement ring. that's why it's not specified what finger it goes on:)


The humid air clung to Y/n's skin as the sun set. Hues of orange and red painted the city brightly and basked the two in the heat. The streets weren't too busy, just the cars passing by with the breezes every few minutes.

"Where are we going?" She questioned. They had both thrown out the restaurant idea once noticing the time and costs.

"You'll see." Was all Five told her.

"I'm not really one for surprises, you know."

He didn't respond to her, he just shrugged and smirked slightly. They eventually arrived at a park. Not one for kids, just one where you can sit and enjoy the scenery. There was flowers bloomed and blooming in, a big tree in the middle with lights hung in them to illuminate the area when dark out. They took a seat on one of the benches and talked for a while, watching the sun set and the moon rise with stars complimenting it.

"I was gonna give this to you today anyways. Even if you hadn't suggested the idea of a date." He spoke up, messing around with something in his hand. "Because when I went to the future, I never found... your body."

"Well, the apocalypse is over and I'm right here. So, It's okay."

"Still, incase something happens. I don't know if you survived or what. I'm just giving you this so..." He trailed his sentence off, not knowing how to word it.

"So, you can show your undying love for me?" She guessed jokingly, placing a hand on her chest.

"Yeah, sure." He played along and handed her a ring.

It was a silver color and on the inside of the band had 'thirteen' engraved into it in a fine print.

"Why the number thirteen?" She asked, sliding the ring onto her finger.

"Well, five plus eight is thirteen."

"That's smart." She nodded, staring at the ring for a moment more before reaching into her pocket to grab a lollipop. "Consider it as my gift."

"Someone outdid their self." He laughed and took the piece of candy.

"Seriously, I'll have to make this up to you sometime."

She looked over at him and took noticed of how close they were. His pupils flared and she saw the reflection of the sky in his eyes, the moon and stars glinting. He pulled her into a kiss and his lips tasted like something heavenly, like blessed rain after a drought, and hers tasted like ancient fire. He cupped her face and traced her jawline slightly, the soft curve under his fingertips.

Something not too far off in the distance came crashing down - presumably a building of some sort.

"You don't think that was the academy, right?" She asked, but a part of her knew the answer based on what direction the sound had come from.

"We should go check. Just incase." He shrugged and took her hand.

He teleported them to the sidewalk opposite of the academy and saw the building had fallen down, wrecked and in shambles. The others stood in the ruins out of breath. Y/n ran forward, climbing over rocks as she did so. She noticed her backpack under one of the rocks and picked it up, dusting the dust and debris off before swinging it over her shoulders.

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