Chapter Six

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Jack hardly left me alone after that night, it was basically a rule now that I had a lot of sleepovers at his house. 
His mom, Joyce, loved it because she hated that I was alone all the time and was begging Jack to get me to come over more often. I used to hate that idea, but at this rate, it was either this or my life, and I swear to everything this world has to offer, I do not want to die. I'm going to live through all of this bullshit. I left my blade at home. I was going to stop. I was going to do my best to stop. I was going to try. I am going to try. It was somewhat working. I hadn't harmed myself in the three days that I'd been here.

This was the night before Halloween now, and sadly for Jack because he really wanted to go to this haunted house, there was a huge thunder and lightning storm. I'll set the scene.
I'm terrified of thunder. It's a good thing that I'm not alone.
We finished dinner, and I actually ate all of it. I ate a lot more around Jack. He reminded me to. Alone, I never really bothered. It was hard to remember to do. 
I sat with him on the couch, a blanket shared among us, around our shoulders. It looked like we were cuddling. I guess we kind of are. 
My side is pressed against his, but our arms aren't around each other or anything. 
I jumped when a huge round of thunder crashed. I hid my face in his arm.
"It's okay." He said quietly, turning the volume up on the Harry Potter movie we had put on.
"I know." I whisper back to him, still scared but I at least felt a little better. 
Another crash. I let out a little yelp this time, not expecting it.
I laugh a little. 
Jack puts his arm around me and rubs my shoulder. 
"Why are you so scared of thunder?" 
I let out a sigh, "Again...One of things where you're alone so often, every little noise scares you." 
"I don't get it. I mean what were they expecting you to do if someone broke in or something?" He asked me with an intense look on his face. He'd been asking me a lot of intense questions, probably just trying to understand me better. He had told me he'd be doing that.
"I don't know. Get killed or hopefully be smart enough to call 911. Let's be real though. I'm jumping at thunder. I'd probably be killed by the axe murderer." 
"Not funny." Still, he laughed.
"Funny enough to make you laugh." I gave him a little smirk. 

The rest of the night was spent watching as many Harry Potter movies as we could. It was a weekend, after all. 
"Alright boys, bed." Joyce said around 11.
We didn't argue. We got up and went up to Jack's room. 
I changed in the bathroom, just some red flannel pajama bottoms and a white shirt with the matching flannel unbuttoned. I laid down on Jack's bed and watched him as he shamelessly stripped and changed in front of me. He had nothing to hide. 
"Like the show?" He laughed as he pulled on his pants.
I snapped my eyes up to his. They'd previously been on his abs and crotch area. Look. I'm a guy, a gay guy. I looked sometimes.
I nodded, "Yeah actually. What did you expect?" I smiled.
He smiled back, "You're not too hard on the eyes either." He crawled into the bed with me and turned his TV on just to continue the Harry Potter movie we were on. Just because Joyce said go to bed didn't mean we had to sleep. There was always a loophole with Jack.
Another round of thunder crashed and I instinctively rolled onto him and clutched on. I didn't mean to, but that's what my body told me to do.
He wrapped his arm around me and smiled, "You're fine. I'll protect you from the big bad thunder monster." He smirked.
I rolled my eyes, "Don't feel so special, I was aiming for the pillow." That was a lie. The pillow was under Jack.
"Oh, so you meant you were going to pull the pillow out from under me and hug that. Right." Jack said sarcastically, "You just wanted to cuddle. Admit it." 
I groaned, "Fine, yes, your almighty hotness, yes I wanted to cuddle." I looked up at him.
"Ohhh, so now the truth comes out. And almighty hotness? You think so?"
"I know so." Well. Might as well come out now before I spring a boner just cuddling up to him.
He took a deep breath and did something I didn't see coming from a fucking mile away.
He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.
I froze. 

He leaned back, "Sorry, was that not okay?" He asked, looking really nervous.
My heart and brain came back into my body. I leaned up towards him and pressed my lips against his. 
He leaned into the kiss, I felt his lips smile against mine.
He ran his tongue across my bottom lip.
I parted mine and felt dominated as he turned his head, making out with me, his arms pulling me closer, til I was basically on top of him.
This was my first actual kiss, and tensions were high. 
I let my lust take over as I straddled his lap, my pajama tent perfectly pitched, for lack of better words.
I felt his too, from where I sat.
That alone made me let out the tiniest moan. 
"Oh god" He whispered against my lips, pulling back a little to look at me.
"Don't stop." I whispered, leaning back down to attach our lips and tongues together again.
He did as he was told. He grinded his hips up against mine, making me whisper out the quietest moan I could, to avoid waking his parents up. 
I got off of him and reached my hand down, "Can I?" I asked eagerly.
He nodded, grabbing my head and pulling my lips back against his.
I took his pants down with one hand and let my hand wrap around his length. I wasn't disappointed. He bit back a moan, but I heard the grumble in his throat. 
I took care of him, smiling against his lips when he whispered out my name.
"I like that sound." I whispered back. He grabbed tissues off his side table and cleaned himself up.

"I can one up you." He smirked this devilish little smirk. 
"Can you?" I challenged him. Quite frankly, this boy could do whatever he wanted with me.
He lifted my shirt to my chest and ran kisses down my stomach, and when he got down to my waistband, he carefully pulled my pants down, and without any hesitation, his mouth was on me, and I was desperately trying to stay quiet.
"Jack...Jack...Jack" I whispered out repeatedly, my fingers laced through his hair, pushing my hips up against his mouth. Me being completely inexperienced lost it almost immediately. It was the best feeling I'd ever had though.
He got up and pulled my waistband back up. I watched him swallow and made a face at first, then found myself really liking that. 
He laid back down next to me and held his arm out.
I scooted against him again, laying my head on his chest.
"Told you I could one up you." He laughed a little.
"What does this mean then?" I asked curiously.
"Well, it means that we just hooked up I guess. What do you want it to mean?" He looked down at me.
I shrugged, "I don't know. I'm new at this." I sighed.
"Yeah I could tell." 
I slapped his chest, "You hush." 
"I liked it. You got turned on so fast. You literally just had to watch me change."
"Hey, you kissed me first. I was controlling myself."
"Were you though?" 
"No, not really."
"It means that if you want this to be something, then it can be something." He kissed my head.
"I want it to be something." 
"Then it's something." He smiled.
"What do we call this something?" 
"Hmmm. I don't know. What do you think?"
I rolled my eyes. 
He laughed.
"Alex, will you please do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" He asked in a cheesy, fake romantic tone.
I rolled my eyes again, "Ohhhhh. I guess so." I leaned up and kissed him again.
Jack grabbed his phone immediately and texted Rian.


Rian: Dude it's like midnight. Congrats.

Jack: Wow way to be enthusiastic. We can go on double dates!!!

Rian: Yeah, cool dude. We can do that. Took you long enough.

"What does he mean by that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I dunno." Jack answered sheepishly.
"Answer me Jacky boy."
"Fine. It means I've been sort of talking about you non stop."
"About what?"
"Nothing serious, obviously. I'm keeping your secret, but I mean. Look at you. You're gorgeous."
I blushed.
"I am not."
"Alex, you might not see it, but good lord. Your ass in those jeans you wear? Been attracted to you since day one. The way your sides like contour from your chest down to your hips, that little dip, you know, when girls have it, they call it kind of an hourglass figure but yours isn't like theirs, it's just like that tiny dip in your sides. When your shirt rides up and I can see the dimples on your back just above your ass, and good lord Alex. Your lips. Your eyes. Your entire fucking face." He gushed, turning red after admitting all of that.
"And you acted on it just now, why?" I smirked.
"Why not?" 
"You tell me."
"Because if I had said it the day I met you, that would be insane, and would be moving way too fast. But now, it's not because I'm horny and content with myself and my sexuality and I know you're not some weird psycho who's going to murder me in my sleep if I piss you off, because I've pissed you off already and I'm still alive, and because I didn't know if you wanted it, but I mean. Apparently you do. You can say my name again like that anytime." He winked.
"You did not just wink at me." I laughed.
"Yeah, I did." He rolled me over and was straddling me now. He leaned down and pressed kisses against my jawline and down my neck, careful to not leave any marks when he sucked a little bit. 
"St-stop" I whispered out.
"Why?" He looked up at me.
"Because I don't want to have sex with you yet, but you're making that impossible." I complained.
He laughed and got off of me, taking me into his arms again.
"You just can't get enough, can you?" He was so smug and cocky.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I mumbled, then yawned.

Thunder crashed and I jumped again. Apparently I'd blocked the thunder completely out when  I was in that very heated moment with Jack, but now the fear was back.
I hid my face in his chest.
He rubbed my back and sighed a little. 
I closed my eyes and clung onto his shirt. 
"Just go to sleep, I'll be right here." Jack kept rubbing small circles on my back, and truth be told, it was impossible to not feel relaxed by that.
It wasn't hard for me to drift off to a content, dream free sleep. That was a nice, refreshing thing.

I woke up in the morning to Jack on top of me, bouncing.
"Wake up Alex! Up up up!" He bounced more obnoxiously.
I groaned, "Jack what are you doing." I complained, closing my eyes again while he just bounced.
"I'm waking you up! That's what I'm doing! Get the hell up!" He got up and pushed me out of the bed.
I glared from my new spot on the ground, "You are so mean." I whined, but stood up. I was trying to walk away when he grabbed me and kissed me.
"No fair." 
"Perfectly fair." He countered.

"You know, this is really nonconventional. Typically we're supposed to go on dates and shit, but right now I'm basically living here because I don't like my house anymore whenever you're not in it." I sighed.
"What do you think all of our mall trips were? Dates sort of right? I mean it was just us." He shrugged.
I raised an eyebrow, "That's one way of looking at it, I suppose."

"Well, so there it is. We dated. Now we're together." He grinned. Oh how I loved the way Jack thought sometimes. So innocent, so sweet, yet not innocent at all with the way he had his bedroom eyes on me constantly. I was flattered. 

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