Chapter Eight

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My birthday was coming up, and after my birthday happens, we only have six days left of school before we're on Winter break until the tail end of January. I could handle that.
That would be the most welcoming break from all of the bullshit I could ever imagine.
Jack's family and I celebrated Thanksgiving. We'd been playing music with Rian a lot more frequently,  My parents had come home a few times during the weekends, my mom didn't talk to me much, but my dad patted my shoulder and met Jack once. My mom did too, and she was nice, but she was still angry at me. That was okay. I was angry at her too. I'll probably always be angry at her until she gets her head out of her ass, but hey. Three more years before I can legally not have anything to do with her if I so choose. To think, I used to call my parents amazing. That's because I was alone and completely attached. I'm not alone anymore. If I want to be, I can be, I have that option, but honestly...I can't imagine being alone now. I hadn't touched a blade. I kept my promise to try.

I sat on Jack's bed the day before my birthday, December 13th. I reached up and touched the scars that littered the side of my neck. My failed attempts that I'd always chickened out on.
I reached down and pulled up my sleeves, running my fingers up and down the hundreds of scars that ruined them. I pulled the legs of my sweatpants up and ran my fingers over those scars, running my finger along the deepest cut. The cut I made when Jack found me and pulled me out of the shower, apparently unconscious.
It makes me so angry that I'm so attached to these scars. Most would hate them. I don't.

Jack sat down next to me and took my hands, "What are you doing love?" He pressed a kiss to my lips.
I returned the kiss and shrugged my shoulders, "Thinking." I sighed, looking up at him, then down at our hands.
"About what?" He pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I nestled my face into his neck, loving everything about him. He's warm. He smells good. I feel the safest I've ever felt in his arms. I feel loved. It took us three months of knowing each other, and technically only together for two, so not long at all, but I feel loved. Truly, completely loved. Young love, but in love. He was made for me, and I was made for him. I had a strong feeling we'd be together forever. Maybe that was naive coming from a 14, almost 15 year old, but it was entirely possible. High school sweethearts are a thing. Those high school sweethearts all start somewhere.
He pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry. Thinking again. First, I wasn't thinking what you might have assumed...I was just thinking about the fact that I stopped, and how I don't hate the scars. I like them. They remind me that I got out of everything I went through. They remind me that you helped me. Then I was thinking about the fact that we haven't been together long at all. Three months. Still, I feel like you love me so much, and I love you so much, and all that I want is for us to be together forever...And now I'm thinking that I really want to start that band with Rian." I smiled a little against his neck.
"You really want to do that?" He rubbed my back, I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Yeah. I really do." I lifted my head and kissed his cheek.
I got my phone out and texted Rian.

Alex: So about that band. About this music we've been playing. 

Rian: What about it?

Alex: You know anyone who can play bass? I mean look, I've got songs written out with chord progressions for me and Jack, and you've sorted out some drum parts, so I mean, throw a bassist in, we can do some covers and work out some of the lyrics I've written...I mean, I kinda wanna start a band if you and Jack are down...

Rian: You know I'm down. I know a guy who's friend plays bass. I can message him and see if this guy wants to meet up.

Alex: Sounds good to me. I'll tell Jack. Let me know when you talk to the guy. That can be your birthday present to me.

Rian: Ha. I already got you a birthday present, but this can be a second one.

Alex: You didn't have to get me anything.

Rian: I did anyway so don't be an asshole and just accept it.

Alex: Fine. I got you one too.

Rian's birthday is four days after mine.

Rian: You didn't have to get me anything :P

Alex: I did anyway so don't be an asshole and just accept it.

Rian: I see what you did there. Lemme text the guy. I'll get back to you. See you at dinner tonight.

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