Chapter Ten

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(A/N: Final chapter. I didn't quite know how to end this story, but I liked the idea of the ending. Short, probably stupid, but ya know.)

We'd been riding on Last Young Renegade for a while now, and now here we were all together again, writing a new album, feeling perfectly okay.
My songs transitioned from the emotional, dark content of LYR, and the songs I was working on now just radiated happiness, barring a couple of songs of course, we weren't the freaking Wiggles writing about only happy things.
Still, this album was the happiest I've written to date.

I sat by the pool drinking a beer, feet in the water. 
Jack walked over to me and sat down next to me with a smile on his face.

"I love you, you know that?" 
I smiled at him, "Yeah, yeah. I love you too."
He leaned over and kissed me.
I kissed him back before shoving him in the pool with a laugh.
"You asshole." He laughed, then put his hands on my knees.
"Marry me." 
I raised an eyebrow at him, "What?" My heart was pounding.
"Marry me." He repeated.
"When?" I asked, like an idiot.
He laughed, "Is that a yes?"
"Yes Jack. Yes. I will marry you." I shook my head, still laughing at my initial response.
"Then marry me tomorrow." 
"Tomorrow?" I choked on the beer that I'd been about to swallow.

So we did. Nothing big. Not even anything small.
We went to the courthouse. We signed the documents.
We were married. No rings, no flashy anything. We just got married. Plain and simple.

I couldn't imagine a better life than this.

To think, it all could've ended at the young age of fourteen.
I thought back to that.

'They hate you, you're worthless, no one loves you. Slit your throat. Cut yourself so deep you bleed out. Remove your pathetic self from this planet. No one wants you here. Your parents don't want to be around you. Jack pities you. Jack doesn't love you. No one loves you. You can't even look at yourself long enough in the mirror to even consider liking yourself.
You laugh when you get hurt.
You don't hate it when people beat you at school.
You brush it off like it's nothing.
That should tell you something, you idiot.
End it. 
You're not worth it.
You're worth less than the dirt on the bottom of people's shoes.
Go for your throat.
Quit wasting time on your arms.
Quit wasting time on your hips and your thighs.
Stop relying on Jack to make it better.
Stop assuming that he'll even stick around long enough to keep up with your bullshit.
Stop wasting everyone's time.
You're not worth the oxygen that you breathe.'

I was worth it though. I am.
I fought back. 
I told the monsters in my head to shut the fuck up.
I told that blade that it didn't deserve to litter my skin anymore.
I looked in the mirror, and I stared long and hard, and I told myself that I was worth living.

All because of Jack Barakat.

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