Chapter 1

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via Have New York's hottest couple's 4 month relationship finally come to an end?
Sources claim that billionaire heiress Ivy-Reese Walker and her hotshot boyfriend, Kade Bishop- son of Nolan Bishop- have split up after a speculated 4-5 month long relationship. Ivy-Reese, who's followed in her fathers' famous footsteps towards what will be an undoubtedly successful fashion career, has last been spotted in London four days ago: Kiss News is still awaiting for sources to confirm their split and for news concerning her possible move. Neither have been present in social media, and I think it's fair to say we're all waiting on the edge of our seats for some sort of message! Has their relationship really come to an end? Let us know your thoughts!

"A bunch of bullshit," I mumbled under my breath, rolling my eyes and swiping upwards so the virtual articles was no longer the first thing I saw. "that's what I think." My hand reached down for my dainty cup of tea, my lips touching the ceramic surface after a moments hesitation, and I found solace in its warmth for the first time in weeks.

All around me and the table I occupied was a bunch of prints and documents I needed to sort out before tomorrow and I knew I was slacking off; if my five-minute-turned-thirty-minute break wasn't a clear enough indication of that, I wasn't sure what was. Not to mention the laptop I possessed which buzzed with notifications and wore a bright screen telling me of all the assignments I was falling behind on. Clearly, London was treating me well.

For the- officially- two months I'd been here, it really wasn't so bad. The main reasoning for my calmer attitudes back then stemmed purely from me having array of distractions to help me cope with the fact that I had just moved across the globe to a place I had never been to before... in a matter of barely two weeks. The moving process took up a majority of my time and stress, another portion coming from settling into my new school, and then another fat portion from the internship I was enrolled in.

It was all hectic, and incredibly so, but it took my mind off the things I knew would only drag me back down. It did take my mind off things, at least, until I finally succumbed to the internet and it's addictive pressure after being spotted on my lonesome on the way to the subway, or as the people here liked to call it, the tube. People had already speculated before since we made zero appearances together which was actually somewhat rare: whilst Kade and I were private, our friends often got us in snippets of their videos or photos and that's where the media got their daily scoop in of our life.

We never minded, but now, part of me wishes our given fame never existed. Maybe that would make things easier. As a cherry on top to my overload of work that I was slowly starting to get back into, I had friends messaging if I was okay and relatives pestering me about my wellbeing. It was sweet, but I was exhausted, and nobody seemed to want to give me a break.

Well, nobody except the one person I didn't want to give me a break. After failing to get back to me immediately through my bland messaging, I muted Kade everywhere so I wouldn't have to think about it and wonder every minute of every day on whether or not he replied. It helped, but it also made my heart squeeze during the times I would sneak a check just to see that he hadn't even left me on read.

I didn't get it. I didn't understand it then, and I still don't understand it now. He lied to me, practically waved his own hand-made red flags all across my apparently colour blind eyes, and then failed to text back. Yet here I was across the globe and still itching to check up on his name no matter how much I grew to despise him.

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