Chapter Three

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By the time I had gotten home last night, my mother was already passed out, and so she couldn't be bothered to open the door for me. So, I walked out back to my father's old weapon shed and grabbed two daggers, using them to scale the length of my house and climb into my room through the window.

I always kept my window unlocked. This wouldn't be the first time something like this occurred. Still, that was yesterday.

Today was more important.

The UA entrance exams. I was going to follow in my father's footsteps and go to the school he graduated from. I wasn't sure how the practical exam today was going to go, but I know I have written in the bag. If there was one thing I could do, it was a written exam. When I woke up this morning, my mother was still passed out on the couch.

I was okay with that. I'd like to spare myself from any conversation with her.

Most people brought equipment that enhanced or helped their quirk to the practical exam. Not me. The reason for this is simple.

I don't know how to use my quirk.

So, instead, I strapped my throwing knives to my body, and I grabbed Ayuna, carrying the katana on my side. After that, I grabbed my backpack, threw on a jacket, wrote my mother a quick note, and headed towards U.A.




          "Katsu-Bitch," I glanced back to see Katsuki walking in my general direction. It was going to take another 10 minutes to reach U.A, and we were both going to the same place.

Thinking I could avoid him was stupid.

          "Walk behind me, Fangs."

          "Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, "You'd be in front of me if you were just a little faster when you got ready this morning."

          "Watch your mouth," he had caught up to me now, but I kept up with his walking pace, not letting him pass me and gain the satisfaction of walking in front of me.

          "Or what, Katsu-bitch? You're going to blow me up on the front steps of a Hero School?"

          "Maybe I will," he quickened his pace slightly, as to get the jump on me, but I mirrored his steps, still refusing to walk behind him.

          "I'd like to see you try."

          "Just wait, Fangs. I'm going to be the only person from our middle school to ever go to U.A. You don't stand a chance today."

          "I'm getting into this school if it's the last thing I do."

          "I hope they let us fight each other today. I'm getting you back for yesterday."

          I groaned, "I apologized for that! I didn't mean to—" I sighed and shook my head, "Nevermind. Have fun, Katsu-Bitch."

Bakugo scoffed, but he didn't say anything. He just stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets and picked up the pace, choosing to ignore me.

I ignored him myself but picked up my own pace. Our conversation may be over, but I'd let hell freeze over before I'd let Katsuki Bakugo get his way.

After some time, we made it to the front gates of the school, and I let out a small gasp of amazement. The school itself was gorgeous.

A few steps in front of Bakugo and me, I saw a familiar head of green hair. I glanced at Bakugo, who's scowl deepened the second he recognized the person in front of us.

Katsuki Bakugo x Reader: Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now