Chapter Six

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(A/N): If it wasn't already evident, you're adopted in this story, meaning I control what your mom, your dad, and Mae look like.

When I opened the front door, my mom was right in front of the door, her arms crossed. What surprised me wasn't that she was waiting for me, or even the scowl on her face, no, that was pretty normal. What surprised me was the fact that the house was clean, and she was wearing something other than her pajamas. I also recognized the scent of Kobe Beef from the kitchen. Weird, she doesn't usually cook, but it makes more sense than her cleaning.

          I took off my coat and placed it on the rack, "Did you clean the—"

          "No," she snapped, "I hired someone to do it because you were too lazy to do it yourself."


          "I don't need Mae coming in here acting like I'm not fit to live here, or like she owns the place," she continued.

          "She is legally entitled to 50% of the land, just like you are."

          My mother glared at me, "Nevermind. Your letter from UA still hasn't come in?"

          I started to reach into my pocket, "Well, actually—"

          I was cut off by my mother letting out a dry, sarcastic laugh, "I told you that you weren't going to get in. No matter how hard you try, you're just not built for hero work."

          I felt my eyes start to sting, and I clenched my fist, "You're wrong," my voice was barely above a whisper, so my mother didn't seem to hear me.

          "Your father gave you so much false hope, actually let you believe that you could—"

          "You're wrong," I practically yelled this time.

          My mother seemed surprised by my sudden outburst, "Watch your tone. Check who you're talking too."

          I steadied my breathing, "I'm sorry. Mae—"

          "It's Mae-San."

          "She told me to call her Mae. If she wanted me to use honorifics, she would have told me herself. That's not your decision to make, it's hers," I took a deep breath, "Mae will be here in an hour, I am going to go and pick up the macarons she likes from that patisserie. I'm sure she'll appreciate the gesture. And," I reached into my pocket and took out the letter from UA, placing it on the entryway table, "You're welcome to take a look at that if you'd like."

          My mother eyed the letter defiantly, before turning to me, her face still clouded over in utter distaste, "Make sure you get me a parfait. Dinner will be ready soon, I had the maid from before set up the dining area. Be home in time to put the steaks on the plates. Cooking them was enough for me," she lowered her voice slightly, "And I don't need Mae scrutinizing the way I do things."

I nodded and turned around, leaving the house before I even had the chance to take my shoes off, or put my coat back on.

The patisserie was a short walk away, so I had plenty of time to spare after buying the macarons and parfait. I also bought myself some spicy potato chips from a convenience store. Of course, I didn't have anywhere to go, so I just kind of roamed around the general area. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but go home definitely wasn't it.

A breeze swept through the air, causing me to shiver. Maybe I should've grabbed my jacket before leaving the house. I wrapped my hands around my body and looked around at the houses.

Katsuki Bakugo x Reader: Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now