Broken !

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Manik pov

It was around evening and I was searching for yuvraj and I finally found him in the football Ground !

He was standing there all alone Yuvraj ,I exclaimed and he turned towards me .

manik come ! He replied and I went towards him

man I am sorry for what I did I mean, I thought wrong about you I kind of not trusted you and I am sorry about it ! I said

Don't ask sorry Manik cause you were never wrong , he exclaimed and I was confused of what he said

sorry ? I didn't understand ,I replied

Manik Malhotra you were absolutely right in judging me , I genuinely like your girlfriend and that's way too more than friendship . in fact I love her !he exclaimed

after listening to his words my blood boiled , I so knew that I can't be wrong ! I exclaimed

yes you are right but you know what ! Nandini she's emotional Fool . You know since childhood, I was very stubborn whatever I want I used to get it at any cost and now all I want is "Nandini" and I promise you I will get her soon ....Yuvraj exclaimed

how dare you ! I shouted and pulled his collar
Nandini is mine and remove the idea of even thinking of anything wrong about her !I shouted

ha ha Manik Malhotra ! very soon you will see that your girlfriend will be no more yours because she will be my girlfriend then !Yuvraj exclaimed

I punch directly on his face
you asshole , I considered you as my friend but you are a backstabber !  I shouted

Say whatever you want to say manik , you are only left with few days with your girlfriend so enjoy it because I don't think you get to see her after then ! So spend some special time with her , because Once she'll be mine I won't allow any guy around my girl then !he exclaimed

and I punched back his face again I'll make sure it never happen , I replied hitting him in his stomach and left from there angrily....

My blood was boiling ,Yuvraj words were just roaming in my head !
the whole night I couldn't sleep causes his words were haunting me

I mean how could even I made a friend like him but sooner or later I find out his true colours and now I am going to tell Nandini everything about him .

the next morning I quickly get up and got ready I reached the school and started looking for Nandini but she was nowhere to be spot then finally I got to know that she is in the medical room ,I became tensed
what happened to her last night ?she didn't receive my call because she was angry with me . I quickly rushed towards the medical room looking for her and then I spot her there.

Nandini was  sitting beside Yuvraj I felt like punching that's guy face but I controlled my anger

I went towards her ,
Nandini what are you doing here ?I asked her but she didn't responded

I could see there is something wrong going on and so I was prepared for it !
manik ! did you hit Yuvraj ? yesterday ,she asked

Nandini come outside I want to tell you something ,I told her

No answer me first did you hit him ? She asked

I am telling you ,first of all listen to me Before jumping to any conclusion ,I said

manik this is the last time ask I'm asking you did you hit him ?she asked

and I just close my eyes angrily controlling my anger

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