The Truth ~5~

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As me and Ron were falling asleep, the last thing on our minds was that the exact dorm we were in belonged to other people as well, and that our friends would probably be looking for us soon..

"What- is- this-?!" a loud voice said at the doorway of the dorm with a slight giggle. It was Harry. Despite the rude awakening me and Ron woke, but were too comfortable to care. We both opened our eyes to see who it was, his arms still around my waist, head on my chest, my arm now around his neck. Harry stood there, shocked, as loud footsteps came running up the stairs from the common room.

"What, what is it Harry?!" Hermione yelled from the stairs. "Just come look..." Harry said with a slight smirk. Hermione entered the door way, the same look on her face as Harry. Ron, still not caring that there were people there, still tired and wanting to sleep with me, rolled his eyes, took my body and lifted me with his arms to put me on the other side of the bed. Refusing to let go he positioned us back where we were, just facing away from the door, told me it was okay and I could go back to sleep.

Listening to the deep, sleepy voice that was speaking to me, I closed my eyes again to fall back asleep. Just as fast as the first time, I was out. Not a care in the world, except for that I was with him and he was with me.


Hours later, I woke to the feeling of what felt like cold air. Ron had removed his arms from my waist. Dreary eyed I asked with a yawn, "Is everything okay?" "Yes, love, everything is fine. It's pretty late darling, you should get back to your dorm." He called me love... and darling. It took me awhile to answer due to not knowing how to feel. I was probably overreacting, but it made me warm, those words coming from his lips. "Wow I didn't realize we slept that long, ha. Well alright, I'll see you tomorrow Ron."

As I lifted from the bed to head to the door I felt a large, warm, hand grab my wrist. "Wait", he said. I turned my body around to look at him. We stood there for a couple of long seconds just looking each other in the eyes. "Yes...", I asked with a small grin. "I just wanted to say goodnight, before you left.." Ron spoke slowly, and in a quiet manor. "Goodnight Ron." And before he let go of his grasp for me to leave the room, he gently kissed my forehead.

I couldn't help but smile all the way to my room. Hermione, of course, had been sitting on her bed waiting for me the whole night to come back. "Alright, so what was that", she said, but with excitement. "It was just a nap.. a nap. That's all." I said, almost nervous sounding. "Oh yea, because two best friends just nap together and CUDDLE." She emphasized the word cuddle, and without acknowledgement I caught myself smiling again. Harder this time. She was right, we HAD been cuddling. I hadn't even thought about it that way. All I could think about was that we were sleeping together at all.

She caught me smiling, gave me an 'I know what that means' smirk, and with that I was suddenly going on and on about how I felt the whole time we were together. About how I've had these feelings longer than I realized. Way longer.. About fourth year when I saw him all alone with Harry at the Yule Ball, wanting so desperately to dance with him but not wanting to leave my date.

It was weird. I didn't even realize I had these feelings for Ron for so long until right now. At that very moment. Hermione squealed, "I knew it I knew it I knew it, so did Harry. We've figured for a long time that you had liked each other. It was so obvious, I don't see how either of you missed it." At that point all I could think about was if Ron felt the same way I did.

Does he like me back? Does he care about me with all he has and wish nothing but the best for me like I do for him. Does he get butterflies when we accidentally touch each other like I do. Does he feel like his day is complete only after we've sat down and had a conversation together like I do. Was he confessing his feelings right now to Harry like I was to Hermione.

The room fell silent as me and Hermione just sort of smiled at each other out of excitement for my realization. Eventually, we said goodnight and made our way into our covers and fell asleep. Although I had just woken up from a day long nap I was pretty tired after yapping my jaw about Ron. With that, I felt relieved.

Ron's POV:
As y/n walked out of my dorm, I stood there, like a statue. My heart had melted. I kissed her forehead. I actually kissed y/n. I had been waiting so long, although it wasn't the kiss I was hoping for. Still, it was something. It was one step further.

Suddenly, Harry jolted up out of his bed and looked right at me. I didn't even have the chance to explain myself before he started talking. "I know.. I know you like her. You have for a long time haven't you?", he asked me, as if he was inside my mind. "Yes... Harry, you gotta help me tell her. I- I love her and she needs to know. At this point I could care less if she feels the same, but I don't have a chance if I don't tell her. What do I do? Harry... help me."

Harry just stared at me as I confessed myself to him desperately. "Just like that." he said, with a smirk. I looked at him confused until I realized he was right. All I needed to do was just simply tell her I love her, and that I understand if she doesn't feel the same.

Still... I was worried about ruining our friendship. What if she doesn't feel the same and things become awkward between us. What if she only thinks she feels the same and then doesn't, and everything is ruined. Most importantly, what if she does love me back, what will happen to the friend group.

Proof Read/Edited ~ jan. 7, 2021

Word Count ~ (1107)

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