Last Day/First Time ~12~

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Around came the very last day of my sixth year at Hogwarts.

This year had to have been the best but worst years at school of my life.

I'm with the boy I've loved since I was 14.

My father was attacked and unfortunately didn't make it.

I loved it here at Hogwarts, but I had never been so ready to leave and get back to my mother.

I was packing my things when there was a quiet knock on the door. I walked over to open it.

"Hello beautiful, are you almost ready?" It was Ron.

"Just about, would you like to help me?"

"Why of course I would love to help such a wonderful lady."

We both laughed and finished packing my stuff into my trunk. Together. As we finished I took a step away from my bed and looked around the room, taking it all in. One more year left and then it'll all be over. There will be no more attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I started to feel sad until I felt a warm hand rap around my waist.

"It's crazy isn't it. How much things have changed and how much we've grown. I mean this is literally our second home." Ron had said.

"It sure is.. So much has happened, good and bad. It almost seems unreal."

We stood in silence for a few more moments until Ron had moved to stand in front of me, one hand still on my waist, and the other now on my cheek. He looked me in my eyes before he kissed me. Our lips moved in sync as we began deepening the kiss more and more as the seconds went by. Ron pulled away for air and walked to the door, shut it, locked it, "We have some time before we have to go.", and walked back to me grabbing my face with his hands, kissing me again, and forcefully but gently pushing me on the bed we had a second ago been standing next to.

** mature warning **

He found his way hovering over top of me as I laid on the bed, now one hand on my waist holding me down and the other still against my cheek. My arms were around his neck, deepening the kiss as much as I could.

Ron then brought his hand to my thigh, gripping it, and pulling it up to him and I wrapped my leg around him. I quickly grabbed the bottom of his shirt pulling it up to remove it, pausing our kissing. He got the hint and removed my shirt as well. Our kissing just kept getting more and more passionate as we went.

I began to unbutton his pants until he stopped me and looked me in my eyes. "Are you sure?" I smiled at him. I knew what I wanted. Was this really the best time? Who knows, but I trust him and this is what I want.

"I've never been more sure about anything."

I continued to undo his pants and slid them off. He unclipped my bra, and made a trail of kisses from my neck down to my stomach before removing my pants and underwear.

Ron looked me up and down with a smile of admiration. It felt great knowing I could be comfortable around him and that there was no doubt he loved me.

He took off his boxers and leaned back over top of me, kissing me again and again. He quietly whispered in my ear "I love you", before slowly making his way to my core. I'll admit it was slightly painful, but I wouldn't wanna be doing anything else in this very moment.

I think he started to feel me beginning to open up, as he started to thrust his hips slightly faster, going just a bit deeper, making me moan is his ear.

It sounds stupid, but the whole moment was absolutely magical. In this time of pain and sorrow, I needed this moment with Ron. I felt closer to him, and I was actually comfortable and happy.

The sex came to an end and we laid in bed next to each other. Still naked as he held me to his chest. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay here forever, with Ron. But, it was about time to go to the station and head home.

"We've gotta go my love." Ron said before kissing my forehead and getting out of bed to get redressed. I did so as well. When we were finished getting on our clothes, and making ourselves look presentable, Ron grabbed my hand and my trunk and we walked down the stairs of the dorms into the Gryffindor common room. We stood there for just a moment, taking it all in and then headed out.

** end of mature content **

We made our way onto the Hogwarts Express, looking for either an empty compartment or Harry and Hermione.

Once we found them we entered the compartment only to receive concerned looks. "Where were you two?" Hermione had almost yelled at Ron and I.

"We were just packing my things, calm down. We're here now." Hermione instantly lost her belief in me as she noticed the hickey on my neck. Once I caught her and Harry looking I covered it with my hair, and lightly punched Ron in the arm.

"I was only marking my territory." he said before kissing my cheek.

The four of us laughed and carried on a regular conversation about what we had planned for the summer.

"Well.. Ron, is that offer still on the table?" I asked.

"What offer?"

"You told me on the way to Hogwarts that I could stay with you and your family over the summer."

"Y/n, of course you can. As a matter of fact, I believe you'd be staying with me anyways because, if I'm not mistaken, my mom invited you and your mother to live with us for awhile."

Harry decided he was going to chime in with one of his smart comments, "Due to that hickey Y/n has there I'm not sure living together is such a good idea." He said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up Harry." Ron and I said in sync.

The rest of the train ride consisted of laughter and sometimes silence filled with just us cherishing each other's company and enjoying the ride. I was more than happy to be with my best friends, and my now boyfriend. These people make me who I am, and I'm bloody excited to spend the summer with them.

Proof Read/Edited ~ feb. 08, 2021

Word Count ~ (1104)

(a/n) - ok wow, uh, that was new for me. that was probably absolutely terrible, i apologize. either way i hope you at least somewhat enjoyed it, and no this is not the end of the story :)). xx

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