The Train Ride ~2~

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As the train began moving, conversation finally struck, but only between Harry and Hermione. Ron and I were quiet and listened to the both of them talk about how their summer was. I'm not sure why but for some reason things seemed awkward between Ron and I suddenly. I eventually zoned out as my attention was put towards the window. Not realizing my name had been called I earned an elbow to my side. As an "ow" escaped my lips I looked to my side to see Ron who was looking at me with concern.

"What?", "Are you okay?", he asked me. I nodded. "Well I was just trying to ask you how your summer was", Harry announced as me and Ron were still looking at each other. I turned my head to look at Harry, "It was sort of boring actually...", I said as my face grew sad. Back at home I hadn't many friends. Yes, mostly because I refused to accompany people who weren't Ron, Harry, or Hermione; but also because I was very antisocial. It was Ron, actually, who had broken me out of my shell after we met at the age of 11 when we both started to attend Hogwarts.

"I'm sorry to hear that y/n", the voice beside me said in a quiet tone. "It's alright, it's nothing new really... I'm just glad to be back here with you guys. You really don't understand how much I miss you all over the summer. My summers are pretty lonely, after all." Very quickly, Ron responded, as if he had been waiting for his opportunity to say these words for a long time. "You know you're always welcome to come stay with us at the Burrow over the summer y/n, we'd be bloody excited to have you." I looked up at Harry and Hermione because I knew exactly what they were thinking, and sure enough they both looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Thank you Ron, it means the absolute most to me that you'd invite me to your home. I'll definitely keep the invitation in mind for the end of the year." The compartment grew silent again, the only noise being the chatter from the other compartments. I suddenly yawned, remembering the slightest amount of sleep I got last night due to my excitement of the new year. I laid my head against the window and shut my eyes. Almost immediately there was a tap on my shoulder. "Everything okay over there?" Ron had asked. "Of course, just a bit tired." "Well I'm sure my arm is more comfortable than that window if you'd like to move your head to this side", he said with a slight smirk. Ron Weasley, inviting me to sleep on his shoulder. Why did I feel my face getting hotter and why did this make me so happy? Oddly, without hesitation I thanked him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

Quickly, I fell asleep. It was only a shoulder but I had never felt so comfortable. I was barely woken by the sounds of whispers. Being my best friends, I could easily recognize the voices as Ron and Harry. Deciding to be nosey I kept pretending I was asleep and listened to their quiet conversation, as it was obvious, due to their whispering, that I wasn't supposed to be able to hear.

"I just wanted her to be comfortable."
"No, you just wanted her to lay on you." I could practically hear the smirk on Harry's face.
"Even if I did it doesn't matter, definitely not to you. But that's not the case, she could have hurt her head y'know. On that window. I was only trying to avoid that. Now drop it. I don't like y/n, you guys know that. And I never will, she's my best friend, I wouldn't jeopardize that."

Realizing the conversation that was being held, my heart sank. I wasn't sure why but Ron's words spoken to Harry had hurt. Still pretending I was asleep, I stretched and moved my head back over to the window hoping that without saying anything Ron would realize I heard him.

Time seemed to go by very slow after that, as I was now anxious to get off the train and get away from Ron for awhile, still unsure as to why I was hurt so much by his words anyway. Unable to fall back asleep, but still pretending. Finally, after what seemed to be days, the train came to a stop. I was "awaken" by a slight shake of my shoulder. "We're here y/n", whispered Hermione. I lifted my eyelids to see Ron and Harry had already exited the compartment. I got up from my seat and walked with Hermione to the carriages. As always, the four of us shared a carriage and made our way to Hogwarts, except this time it being very quiet. All I wanted more than anything at this moment was to get there, enjoy the feast as the first years were sorted into their houses, and then finally get to the dorms and sleep so the day, that seemed to be so quickly ruined, would come to an end.

Unable to keep my feelings hidden, Harry and Hermione asked if I were okay. "Yea, just still pretty tired." Unusually, Ron didn't ask me how I was feeling. Actually, he didn't even bother looking at me during the entire feast. I was confused, and quite frankly even more hurt than I was on the train. Why isn't he looking at me, or even talking to me? Did I do something wrong? Did it possibly have to do with the whispered conversation that was held on the train?

The feast seemed to go by rather quickly even though it was fairly quiet the whole time amongst our group. As it came to an end, Hermione and I made our way to the dorms to unpack and get ready for bed. As it being a tradition we did, we made our way back down to the common room to meet with the boys and say goodnight. Not one night out of the whole year did we forget to do this. Come to my surprise though, Ron wasn't there. Harry stood by the stairs waiting for the two of us. "Where's Ron?", I asked him. "He said he, uh, doesn't feel good. Fell asleep rather quickly. Told me to apologize for him that he wasn't gonna be here." Just as I thought the night couldn't get any worse, Ron missed our daily goodnight, ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. One of the most important days of the year.

The three of us said our goodnights and went up to the dorms. Still being exhausted, I fell asleep fast, with only one thing on my mind while I had slept. This year was already different, and I don't know why. How was it going to go from here...?

Proof Read/Edited ~ jan. 7, 2021

Word Count ~ (1164)

(a/n) - if you're reading this I hope you're liking it. I'm sorry if you feel it's going a bit slow but that's kind of my goal as I really want to include as much detail as possible and really make a "story" out of it. I really am trying my best here. xx

(omg and how could i forget, obviously you're a Gryffindor. Sorry to those who aren't actually a Gryffindor but it fits with the story. xx)

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