The Confession ~6~

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~"I find it harder than it should be to tell you this but... I love you."~

The next week started off as it normally would. Of course Gryffindor stuck together so I was always with Ron in all of my classes and we always sat together when seats weren't assigned. Today in Herbology we were assigned a project on mandrakes. You and a partner had to work together on making a presentation. Instantly, as the professor announced we could pick our partner, me and Ron chose each other.

"We should pick a color scheme for our presentation. I think that'd be cool." Ron said as we were walking the halls back to the common room for our free period. "Yes, that would be nice. Definitely red and gold to represent Gryffindor of course." I replied. "Well uh, I was thinking green, and like, a beige... to y'know, better represent a mandrake."

Ron and I argued about a color scheme all the way through the halls until he finally gave in and said red and gold would work. We entered the common room to see Harry and Hermione already sitting on the sofa. "What took you guys so long?" Hermione asked with a bit of a smirk on her face.

"We were arguing about our Herbology project, who are you working with Hermione?" I asked, trying to veer the conversation away from Ron and I. "I swear you guys should just go ahead and get married, you act like you are enough already. I'm working with Ginny. Harry got stuck with Seamus, let's hope nothing blows up."

The four of us laughed at Hermione's remark towards Seamus who always seemed to catch things on fire.

Ron never seemed to want to leave my side much; so with the sofa being full, as I sat down in one of the chairs Ron sat on the arm next to me. It wasn't very often that we weren't together since that day but I tried not to pay much attention to the small fact.

We all talked about the usual stuff, me and Ron sometimes breaking from the main conversation to discuss our project. Our free period eventually came to an end and we headed off to the rest of our classes for the day.

Our day wasn't very eventful, so there wasn't much to talk about at dinner, but... it was oddly quiet between Ron and I. Every once in awhile we'd glance at each other but he never spoke to me. I would have said something first if it didn't feel so much like he was avoiding me. To add to it... he decided to sit across from me today instead of beside me where he always sat. Where if anyone else would have, he'd freak. So instead, Hermione sat next to me.

Harry and Hermione were having their own discussions so I decided to speak. "Uh, hey Ron. Is everything okay? You're awfully quiet." He looked up at me as if he were surprised I said anything. "Yeah I'm good, just tired." I gave him a nod and a sympathetic smile and went back to my food.

Dinner came to an end and we were all getting ready for bed. Of course, we met back in the common room to say our goodnights. As everyone was finished speaking I was about to head back to the dorms before that same hand grabbed my wrist as it did that night in Ron's room.

"Y/n, can you stay for a minute. I'd.. really like to talk to you if that's okay." I smiled and nodded, and motioned for Hermione to go on to bed without me. Harry left for the dorms as well.

Ron still having ahold of my wrist walked me over to the sofa. "So, what's up." I asked him. He stayed silent and looked pretty nervous. As if what he was going to tell me would, hurt me? Make me angry? Like he didn't want to tell me what was on his mind.

Suddenly his face turned bright red. "Uh, Ron. I know I asked earlier but are you sure you're alright?" He gave me a nod as he looked up from his hands where he had been staring and looked me straight in my eyes.

He now looked... calm. As if looking at me made him feel better. My heart sank at the thought of just one look at me making Ron himself calm. "First, I want to apologize if you've felt like I've been acting weird lately." Knowing what he was referring to I answered quickly. "Aw Ron, it's fine. I've liked how close we've gotten."

His face lit up as did mine from being so open about his actions not bothering me. "Well that just made me feel loads better.." he explained.

"What do you mean?" He grew silent again, still not losing eye contact with me. "Y/n, I uh- I have something to say to you. But first I need you to know that I'm not trying to ruin what we have. Our friendship. I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable or anything either. I've just been keeping this in for a long time and I need to tell you. I need you to know the truth."

Doesn't want to ruin what he have? What does he mea-... Oh no. Hermione told him. Ron knows I have feelings for him and he's about to break it to me that he doesn't feel the same. My heart sank, but I kept my composure and didn't give any reaction, mostly to avoid giving a sad one.

After the small bit of silence, Ron spoke.

"I find it harder than it should be to tell you this but... I love you."
"Y/n, I'm in love with you."

Proof Read/Edited ~ jan. 7, 2021

Word Count ~ (971)

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