The Prank Part 1. ~21~

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The Weasley Twins - Fred and George - The Pranksters Of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Of course it was them. Not only do they have a love for pulling pranks; but they have a love for pulling pranks on their younger brother.

It had to be them who wrote the letter and put it outside Ron's bedroom in the middle of the night.

I explained this to Ron once we made it back to the common room, making sure the twins were nowhere near, considering they were visiting Hogwarts to "help McGonagall". In reality they were just trying to sell products from their shop.

"Oh my Merlin! Why didn't I think of that!?" - "That's a very good question Ron, but regardless, we need to get them back."

I had so many ideas but only one really stood out to me. The twins joked around a lot but they loved and cared for their little brother, so seeing him all sad and hurt over a break up would definitely make them feel bad.

"I say, we fake a break up over the letter, right in front of the twins. Just, keep Neville out of it of course because I don't plan on dragging him into all this. He has other things to worry about, like Luna."

"Y/n, you're literally a genius."


Ron and I stayed clear of each other for the next week during school, and snuck out to see each other at night.

Tomorrow would be Saturday, so we'd have the perfect opportunity to find the twins in a more secluded area to pull our prank- well my prank.

It was around lunch time, most people were in the great hall eating. Me and Ron had sat next to each other but made sure to keep quiet and not act couple-like so we could better pull it off. I felt it was finally time as most of the great hall was empty except for a few Ravenclaws studying, and my friend group that was sat at the Gryffindor table... along with the twins.

I lightly slammed my hands on the table. "Ron, what the bloody hell is your problem! Why are you ignoring me?"

"Oh don't act like you don't know."

"Actually Ronald, I don't know, so please enlighten me."

"I know you love him Y/n, you could have just told me you know!" - "For fucks sake, what are you talking about!?" - "I got the letter Y/n, you cant hide it from me anymore!"

You could see the twins faces contort from confusion to absolute worry and panic. It was working.

"Look, Weasley, I don't know what you're talking about but there's nothing going on with me and anyone but you. What are you going on about some letter! Are you mental Ronald?!"

"You know what! I'm done! I'm done. I cant do this with you anymore Y/n. Go be with N- just go.."

I didn't think his words would actually effect me. But I also wasn't prepared either. Ron and I didn't exactly say who would break up with who, so when he did it I wasn't really sure how to react. I knew it was fake, but I still felt the urge to cry. So I did.

Ron looked sympathetically at me, and I thought he'd blown the whole cover, but no one seemed to notice as they were all looking at me, worried. Especially Harry.

I rolled my eyes, tears stricken face, and grabbed my bag to head out.

"Ron what the hell is your problem?" Harry yelled across the table at my boyfriend.

Maybe we should have told everyone else about the prank...

Harry ran out of the great hall after me and followed me all the way to my dorm where I sat and cried. I don't know why I cried so much. I guess just the thought of us actually breaking up was too much.

Harry lightly knocked on the door "Y/n, can I come in?"

I croaked out a yes and he opened the door, shutting it behind him and coming to sit next to me on my bed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I looked at him with tears still in my eyes, and nodded. Harry looked so worried about me and his caring expression made it hard to lie to him.

"You probably weren't expecting this but..."

I explained everything. From the letter, to Neville. From those long two months, to the fight. From making up, to planning the prank. And how sad I was now because of how real it felt, and how much I hope it will never happen. Ever.

Harry only listened, his expression never changing. By the end I was still crying and Harry wrapped his arms around me, letting me cry into his chest.

It seemed Harry only focused on the ending part, the reason I was crying. He didn't care about the prank.

"Look Y/n, Ron can be dumb sometimes. But he loves you so much, he never stops talking about you, even over those two months he barely spoke to you. He would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, especially not leave you. You're everything to him."

"But isn't that how it always starts. You love each other so much, and then something goes wrong and it just doesn't work anymore and someone leaves."

"Yes. That can happen. But not with you and Ron. I assure you he'd never do that to you, and I can tell you wouldn't do it either. You guys were made for each other, I promise."

Harry's words were more reassuring than I thought they'd be. I had stopped crying by now and had a smile on my face.

"Thank you Harry. It means a lot that you'd follow me up here, and still stay to comfort me after finding out the whole fight wasn't even real." I chuckled.

He lightly kissed my forehead and laughed as well. "Anything for you Y/n, I love you too you know. Maybe not in the same way Ron does, but as a sister. I'm here to protect you, even from him if I have to."

"I love you too Harry."

Proof Read/Edited ~ feb. 08, 2021

Word Count ~ (1029)

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