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It was a bloody cold morning waiting for the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 3/4. I was standing stiffly with Pansy and Blaise, they were flirting carelessly in front of me. Ever since they sat next to each other in Charms Class last year they've been obsessed with one another since, constantly holding hands, nudging their noses like dogs, all the cringe shit you could think of. I just couldn't wait to get back to my dorm, in the warm, away from the live love show in-front of me.

Blaise and Pansy aren't very fond of me, especially Pansy, but they tolerate me. Pansy is my roommate, so she kind of has to.
Blaise may be a Slytherin, but he has a kind heart. He's probably the only one in this house who doesn't think i'm disgusting because of my blood status. However, he still will refuse to acknowledge me unless he has to.

Being a Muggle-born in the Slytherin house isn't very nice, in-fact, it's fucking awful. The green robed robots glare at you with fire in their eyes, watching your every move like hawks, it's creepy if you ask me. Why should i be shunned upon just because I wasn't born in your whacky wizard world? Grow up.

"She even stands like a pathetic Mudblood, sort your posture out, you silly girl" sneered the platinum blonde twat strolling arrogantly past me. Pansy let out a little giggle, I sighed and rolled my eyes at the ferret boy. Blaise stared at me eager to what I would say next, as If i'm some ticking time-bomb.

I shifted slightly, curling my toes to his

"Nice to see you're still an annoying twat" I spat back at him, eyeing his body up and down, trying my best to not look too bothered by his presence.

He had gotten taller since Second year, his legs were firmer, yet skinnier. His torso had stretched out, defining his arms and neck more, almost making him look semi-appealing. His hairstyle had changed drastically, curtains. They suited him, I think to myself curiously as he death stares me. I'm not going to lie to myself, if he wasn't such a nasty piece of work him and I would probably be friends.

"How dare you insult me like that, you filthy little Mud-" he shouts, but I stop him.

"Blood, yes very creative Malfoy, learn some new insults. You know for a pure blood, you're so stupid." I say calmly and almost laughing at his furious little face, trying my best to not let him see that he infuriates me. The best way to get to Malfoy is to talk down to him, since his whole life he's been taught that he's the best and his family are superior, such bullshit.

Blaise grins at my comment, but soon after his smile drops into a frown when Draco sends him an alarming look. The air is thick and foggy, filled with tension from Draco's outburst of bitchiness. Pansy lightly sighs and wraps herself round Blaise like a monkey dangling off a tree.

"Blaise baby, i'm cold." she spills attempting to sound cute. I just think she sounds like a whining dog.

"The train will be here soon, Pans." Blaise comforts her in his arms, drawing little circles and patterns on her back as she smothers her face in his chest.

And just as he says that, the Hogwarts Express pulls into the platform, releasing a loud toot as it breaks, opening its doors for all the eager and shivering students to climb on board.

"Don't trip and fall onto the tracks" Malfoy mocks at me as I stumble along with my bags.

"Wouldn't it be a shame if someone pushed you onto them?" I replied hastily.

He sends me a filthy look, watching me grip my bags with effort.

Draco, Pansy and Blaise brush past me not long after as I continue to struggle with my rugged and ripped bags from last year. They casually stroll on to the Slytherin Section of the train with their expensive, shiny briefcases, backpacks and suitcases, whilst I tumble my way not-so-secretly over to the Gryffindor Section.
Time to see my actual friends.

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