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After Malfoy left the common room in a furious states, I decided to finish my homework for my Defence against the Dark Arts class.

The day went pretty slow, up until that lesson. Lupin was teaching us a spell about turning creatures into ridiculous things, so that you will not fear them if they approach you, basically weakening them.
We repeatedly shouted the words "Riddikulus" in practice, when I heard Draco say under his breathe "this class is ridiculous". Crabby Patty let out an annoying laugh.
I let out a slight chuckle at his play on words, he was fairly witty at times, no matter how much of an idiot he is. He saw me chuckle and must've thought it would be a good idea to send me a note.

The Paper Plane swiftly approached me and landed in my palms. It read "I don't like having you in my life, you're a Mudblood for Merlins sake, why are you trying to fuck everything up? Don't you realise a pureblood like me can't touch you, let alone breathe near you?".

The words repeated inside my head over and over, "why are you trying to fuck everything up?", what does he mean I am? He's the one who started this? He's the one who decided to bring me into his life by bullying me. He just doesn't like it that I bite back. Im not like all the other girls he torments and fucks around with. I'm not going to let him down easy, I want him to know i'm strong, I want him to want me, to crave my attention.

"I realise you can't touch me Malfoy, but I bet you would love to." I scribble down rapidly, trying not to catch the professors eye. I quickly enhance the spell to turn the paper into a little bird, and send it flying over to Malfoy.

He grabs it viciously, and doesn't open it. Instead, he shoves it inside his pockets and looks at me and let's out a loud huff.

Perhaps he doesn't want to read it in-front of Crabbe, his not-so-little minion.

I glance over at him slightly, causing very awkward eye contact, before shooting my eyes away in embarrassment of him shoving my letter to the side, acting like he isn't desperate to open it.
The rest of the lesson was Lupin letting students cast "Riddikulus" on their greatest fear, but before it could get to me, of course Harry had to almost summon You-Know-Who. I love Harry, he's a sweetheart, but oh my, was he stupid sometimes.

The rest of my classes that day were exceptionally boring.

Last lesson I sat with Ron. I liked sitting with Ron, he made me feel safe and comforted, he was like a big, ginger teddy bear. He explained that apparently there was going to be a massive party that night in the Room of Requirements, and the teachers knew, but turned a blind eye to it. This was because Harry organised the party, and we all know that all the teachers at Hogwarts favourited Harry.
Ron went further on to explain that there will be "like 30 kegs of different alcohol and mixers, party lights using magic, my brothers have even set up indoor fireworks for the party, it will be sick Y/N, you should defiantly come." .
I gave him a heart-warning smile, "Of course I will come Ron, I haven't been drunk in so long, I practically need to." I joke.

Not even a second after I said that, Malfoy shoots round from his chair just a row in front of us and states "Can't wait to see that Y/N, hopefully you throw your guts up.". He had a sarcastic smile plastered over his face.

I look at Ron confused at why Malfoy is even invited before he says quietly "Harry has invited everyone, including the Slytherins, not counting you, but he's so terrified at the moment because of all this Sirius Black hoo-ha, the last thing he wants right now is a gang of Slytherins at his neck for not being invited to some fucking party".

I nod in agreement, more pity actually. Bless Harry, but if it was me, I would've told Malfoy to shove his invitation up his arse.

At the end of the lecture, I run out the room to be greeted by Hermione.

"So, Ron has told you all about the party?" she questions. I nod at her in excitement. "Brilliant! You're getting ready with me! I'm not letting you get ready with that nasty Pansy girl, you're going to have a good night I,
will make sure of it. I'm not letting anything ruin you for the next 10 hours, besides from alcohol" she squeaks, also rolling her eyes at the word "alcohol".

And just like that, off we go, to Hermione's dorm, running to get prepared for a long night ahead.

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