My first lesson was Charms Class. I knew I would see Draco so I tried my best to look good, but not like I tried too hard. I want to prove a point, but I don't want him to know that I want to prove a point. You know?
My legs felt weak from the alcohol from the previous night. My whole body in fact, felt sluggish and worn out. I queried that it was just the alcohol, but I do deep down believe that Malfoy's touch has actually made my body sick.
If that is even possible.I quietly stroll into the classroom and my eyes meet with Blaise. He observes me mockingly, as he is stood right next to Malfoy himself. He stares me down and chuckles at me. All I can do is raise an eyebrow and quickly break the eye contact.
He must know something.
Draco and his arrogant little mind must've thought it would be a brilliant idea to brag about me to Zabini.
I awkwardly position myself at the edge of the classroom, not taking my seat just yet; mainly because i'm not sure where to sit. It feels like everyone is watching me like a hawk. My paranoia is making me delusional. I know for a fact Malfoy will not go around spitting out of his mouth every detail about my body and his opinion on it, but he will tell his closest friends.
Because, that's what teenage boys do.
Hermione and I discuss this all the time. She always slates Ron for speaking to Harry about their private "sessions" together, after lesson hours. She even skipped a lecture for the Weasley once, which is nothing like Hermione. She was furious to discover that Ron had ran to Harry and Neville and told the boys about their little rebellious meet up.
It's like when a boy gets hold of you, they want their fellow males to know, and to gloat to, but if anyone else finds out about their forbidden relationships, they will act disgusted and clueless, as if they weren't in the girl's pants a few days ago. It's bizarre and confusing.
Suddenly, I zone out of my head, to see everyone sat down patiently in their seats. I scan the room in a hurry to try and determine where I will place myself, to find that the only seat left is, of course, right in front of Malfoy. He would have a perfect view of the back of my head. To whisper things behind my back, to intimidate me, like the pathetic bully he is.
Malfoy craves validation from being an arsehole. I never understood it really, because everyone secretly knows that nobody likes him. People just pretend and put up with him because they're scared of his family.
I sighed and took my seat, identifying Malfoy's eyes following my every move until I sat down, and I felt his gaze burn into my neck like I was being tormented with a lit matchstick. Stealthily, I remove my pencil case and wand from my bag, ready for the lesson.
I could hear Malfoy's every movement. It felt like he was making more noise on purpose. Whenever he would lean back on his chair, I would hear the sudden creak of the plastic bending to the pressure of his spine pushing against it. When he yawned, he made sure that I heard, which was extremely irritating as it made me yawn. His pencil tapped against the oak table, in a rhythm that was so familiar to me.
We were assigned book work for the lesson, to research as much as we could on the topics from pages 20 to 38. I skim through the book relentlessly, trying to find something to distract me and bring me back to my senses.
This boy makes me so nervous, it's shit.
A piece of paper pokes my shoulder and falls to the ground. I shut my eyes in annoyance at exactly what I thought it was.
Draco's little Paper Planes.
I carefully bend down and snatch it from underneath my seat, still avoiding any eye contact with Malfoy.
"Look at Y/N, bending over for me" he snickers to Blaise, hitting his shoulder slightly. He's obviously proud of himself. Blaise snorts at his comment and puts his head on the desk, to try and shut down the awkwardness radiating around us.
I ignore his comment, not wanting to give him the satisfaction he craves. My fingers stroke over the piece of paper, folded very neatly into a little bird, or a plane in my opinion. I lightly unravel it to read the message;
"Y/N, how do you feel this morning?
Are you proud that you got to spend time alone with me?
Are you happy you got my attention for ten minutes?
You stupid little slut."I blinked twice after reading the note, stunned at his arrogance. My mouth parts, wanting to say something, but knowing I shouldn't. He wants a reaction out of me. He's not having it. I crumble the paper into a ball and shove it effortlessly into my bag.
I could feel his glare on me. He was clearly shocked I didn't say anything, as he knows I snap pretty easily. All Slytherins do, I guess.
I put my head back into my book and notice another note landed onto my desk swiftly.
"Don't ignore me. I don't like that.
Don't you want to please me?
I know you want to, I could see it in your eyes last night. You wanted me so bad.
It's funny, playing with you. Watching you melt at my touch.
Do you know what to do with yourself
Y/N? Do I make you second guess?Did you wake up this morning and question why I took an interest in you?
You poor girl. No wonder you're so clueless, you are a Mudblood."Again, I heard him chuckle to himself as I opened the plane. My eyes started to water at his words. They were hurtful. The way he torments me, and for what reason? I don't know why I'm always the main victim. Yes, I'm not a pure blood or even a half-blood, but i'm not the only one. He picks on Hermione, I know, but I'm stuck in the same fucking house as him. I cant escape him. I'm trapped with this pathetic excuse of a boy.
I press my hands against the table and lift myself up, grabbing my bag and leaving the classroom. I didn't want to spend another second being so vulnerable. Appearing weak is my worst nightmare, since Father always taught me that if you're weak you deserve what happens to you, because you don't even believe in yourself. As my feet touched the ground off my seat and move forward I hear Blaise let out another laugh, whilst both the boys eyes watch me as I exit the room.
My shoes tap furiously against the corridor floors as I pace, desperate to go back into my dorm, into my bed, and fucking sulk.
My eyes are stinging from the salt water, my head feels dizzy, since I'm still so hungover, and now I've had to deal with Malfoy, a lot sooner then I anticipated. I knew he would try and wind me up, but I didn't realise I would be in his direct eye-line, I was pretty much a dartboard; it felt like he was just jabbing needles into my back.
As I continue to hurry down the halls, I hear a voice call out to me.
"Y/N" it echoed.
I keep walking, slightly quicker.
"Y/N just fucking wait. I'm not finished with you." the voice vibrated off the walls and into me like a drill.
My feet stopped moving, it's an instinct. I huff before turning around to face round two.
A/N: Hello :) I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this! It currently has 1k reads which is just amazing to me because I didn't think anyone would ever read my stuff. So it means a lot if you have read along!
Sorry my updates have been slow, college has been stressful and I haven't had the motivation. But I promise i will continue writing! Remember to upvote if you enjoy!

Paper Planes (Draco Fan Fiction)
FanfictionPaper Planes. Back and fourth torture, reminding her of who she is, a silly little Muggle-born. Will he ever break her? What does Malfoy really want? • a Y/N story • ongoing story (still writing) • includes some smut and mature topics.