1 - The Confusion

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It had been three days, she was pretty sure. There was no clock, and no way to tell the time, except for the three bowls of rice pushed into the room in eight-hour intervals. She'd gotten nine bowls of rice so far. Three days. 

How many more to go? 

Lucina sat in the corner of the cold, metal room, knees drawn up to her chest, twiddling her fingers together-that was the only way to pass the time, besides twirling her hair, tapping her feet, and trying to make a weapon out of the only thing the captors had left with her: the clothes on her back. And her blue tunic, cape, and ankle boots didn't make very good weapons. They'd even taken her tiara, which, at the most, would've made a good brass knuckle. 

But even if she did have a weapon, she doubted that she'd ever be able to use it: she never saw her kidnappers. Didn't even know who they were. One minute she'd been on patrol in her home country of Ylisse, and the next, she'd woken up in this very room, stripped of her weapons, completely ignorant of who'd kidnapped her or how she'd gotten there.  

She ran the memories through her mind's eye for the billionth time as she stared up at the ceiling, tapping her feet against the tiled floor (at least, she thought it was tiled-it was too dark to see most of the time). She remembered working a patrol with a group of soldiers from Ylisstol, moving along the fields right outside the country capital. Grass...wind...a beautiful sunset...  

And then? Then? She could never remember what happened then. There was just this huge chunk of time that refused to unveil itself to her, no matter how hard she concentrated, how hard she tried to pick the pieces of the curtain apart. There was just blackness...and then she'd woken up in this room, dazed and confused and hungry.  

Lucina's foot tapped faster, making the nine empty rice bowls sitting nearby clatter against the uneven floor. She flexed her fingers, but that refused to ease her anxiety. Thinking about why she was here always made her jittery, especially since her captors seemed adamant on keeping her in the dark. Literally and figuratively.  

As if on cue, a light flashed, brightening the room. Lucina flinched and shielded her eyes. 

The light was coming front across the room. There was a door on the wall opposite, but most of the time it was sealed shut, except for the small slot near the bottom that opened when her captors fed her the rice. Lucina's hunger, which had subsided thanks her anxiety, leapt to life again, causing awful pangs to coast through her body. She crawled forward rapidly, hoping to grab the rice bowl and catch a glimpse on what was on the other side, but as usual, whoever was on the other side of the door pushed the bowl into the room and shut the hatch with enough speed to leave Lucina fumbling in the dark.  

Drat. Maybe next time. But she'd tried nine times already, and she'd failed at every chance. And though she rice kept her from starving, it by no means kept her full enough to be as fast and strong as she needed to be.  

Was she ever going to get out of here?


Someone clapped in her face. Once, twice. The third time, she finally woke up. No wait, she was awake. She'd just been in a daze. Her vision cleared, in time for her to see some sort of robot down in her face, so close that she could see the pixels that made up his huge, circular eyes. 

"Hey!" the robot snapped. "I'm not gonna ask you again, sister. Sit up and clean out those ears, because once you get thrown in, you're on your own." 

Rosalina blinked rapidly, trying to process what he was saying. What was she even doing here? "Here" being...she glanced around, feeling nauseous and bleary. It looked like she was in some sort of conference room. Everything-the walls, floor, ceiling-was a pristine white, and smelled of cleaner, as if someone had recently scrubbed it top to bottom. She was sitting in a chair-no, she was strapped to a chair. Her wrists were locked to the arms, her ankles to the legs. For a second, she couldn't process that. What in the world was she doing strapped to a chair? 

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