(In Chaldea's cafeteria)
Ereshikgal: say, Mr. Adam, can I ask you something?
Adam: be my guest.
Ereshikgal: Uhmm... I-I don't want to sound ungrateful, but why do you not hate gods of death and the underworld?
Adam: that's because the first person I met who represented death was actually worth respecting.
Ritsuka: who was that? Hades?
Adam: no, it was someone else, I think you all know him, actually. He's actually here now.
Mash: really? That person is in Chaldea.
Adam: that's right. He went by a different name back then... But now... I think you all call him the "First Hassan-I Sabbah".
Ritsuka: King Hassan? You met him?
Adam: that's right... Want to know a secret?... When me and Eve met the angels of God... We both agreed that the Angel of Death had the most beautiful wings.
Adam in the Fate series
HumorThese are interactions I made about Adam - from Records of Ragnarok - being in the Fate series. This is not a Fan Fic, but merely interactions.