Chapter 3

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Dylan woke up late. He checked his phone and seen it was noon. When he walked out of his room he was hugged by his little sister. "Happy birthday big bro!" she said with a huge smile on her face. "Thanks, Chelsea. Why aren't you in scho- Huh what's this?" Dyl asked. She handed him a card with a drawing of their little family. "Mom said I can stay home today! But do you like it!?" she asked while looking down. "Of course, I do. Where's mom? " Dyl said. "She said she was going to your school and afterwards grocery shopping! She should be back soon." Chelsea said as she skipped away. Dyl was upset. He told his mother not to go to his school and she did it anyways. Sydney pulled up into the driveway. He grabbed some change and was going to the arcade to blow off some steam. His mom gave him $50, and a hug before telling him happy birthday. He didn't ask where she's been. He simply thanked her and continued walking towards the downtown arcade. He sat down to play his favorite fighting game and someone from his school sat down beside him. "Hey, my name is Fuji. Yes, like the mountain." he said with a smile. "I'm usually always in here... some really cute girls with hella cake walk by here after school all the time." Fuji said as he entered his coins to play. "Shouldn't you be in school? " Dyl asked. "I skip Fridays to come here dude. Fridays are for gaming." Fuji  said. They played against each other for hours. Only stopping to grab snacks and use the restroom. Dyl felt like he had found a new a friend. On a tv screen in the arcade the news came on. "A house on Northview Street has caught on fire a little a while ago!" the news reporter exclaimed. Dyl looked up at the screen and his eyes widened. "What's wrong?" Fuji asked. "THAT'S MY HOUSE!" Dyl yelled as he dashed out of the arcade. He had never run this fast before. He could smell the smoke as he got closer to his street. Everyone in his neighborhood was standing outside in the street by his house. "THATS MY HOUSE!! THATS MY HOUSE!" he yelled as he pushed through the crowd. From the corner of his eye, he seen Chelsea. She was crying really loud. "OH, THANK GOD!" Dyl yelled as he hugged her. "Where is mom?" he asked. "Mommy... saved... she..." Chelsea could barely talk. "Who did this? What happened?" Dyl asked. A voice came from the fire "You like this SNITCH!? My Sho was unlocked from all of the anger I had. Your mom decided to get me expelled... so I decided to turn her to ashes." Aiden said with a wicked smile on his face. The crowd of people started running away. "You are next Dill-weed." Aiden shot a blast of fire towards Dyl and his sister.

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