You are clumsy

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Bakugou rolled his eyes as he watched you falling onto your butt for the third time this night. When you had met at the Christmas market you told him that you were bad at ice skating and that you just couldn't seem to learn it.

Since he believed in his ability of being able to teach you, he decided to take pity on you and actually bring you to the ice skating hall the next day.

He has never seen such an untalented person in his entire life.

"What the hell? For the tenths time, you have to keep your feet fucking angled to push forward" he spat but still, he held out a hand for you to help you up. He wasn't a complete asshole, after all. You took it without hesitation, actually being thankful that he saved you from the embarrassment of getting up yourself on the slippery ice. Unfortunately, the moment you stood on your two feet once more, you started to lose your balance again.

"You are unbelievable" he sighed in frustration as he put his hands on your hips, pushing you closer in order to stabilize you. This action gave you the courage to put your hands on his shoulders, hoping that would prevent you from falling for the fourth time.

"I'm sorry, I told you I was bad" you smiled sheepishly, your eyes shifted to the side and a bit of redness rose on your cheeks, giving you a soft glow. "But hey, at least you would look even more skilled skating next to me" you added in a jockingly manner to lighten up the mood. Bakugou scoffed and, yet again, rolled his eyes.

"I would rather give you a glimmer of my skill instead of you falling every time I let go of you. You are going to get yourself fucking hurt and make me look like a dumbass for not being able to teach you" he scolded, making it hard to guess if he wanted to kick your butt or if he was worried about your wellbeing. 

"Well, then I guess you shouldn't let go of me for as long as we are here" you blurted out, bitting your bottom lip nervously. Literally the second you let go of those words, you felt a wave of embarresmeng washing you away. The surprise was evident on his face, giving him an almost funny look but you didn't dare to laugh until you were sure that he wouldn't kill you for this bold comment. After some very long seconds his brain finally seemed to work again and soon he would take your hands in his and slowly push himself backwards and pulling you with him. 

You hoped this was a good sign. 

"You are damn right. I'm stuck with your untalented ass" he laughed for the first time the two of you have met. The butterflies that suddenly decided to spread their wings within your stomach didn't help at all to keep your balance. He watched you struggle to even hold yourself up while holding his hands with an amused glint in his red orbs. He wouldn't say it out loud but he was ready to catch you in any moment. 

"Hey! I've got other talents, you'll see" you pouted. Your eyes were locked on your feet in concentration as you watched yourself clumsily trying to mime his elegant movements. 

The corner of his mouth went up just a teeny tiny bit. 

He secretly hoped he would.

15 reasons I hate you - Bakugou x Reader (Drabble series, 100 followers special)Where stories live. Discover now